Wednesday, July 15, 2015


The 18th Convention/Anniversary of Love Revival Ministries Int’l A.K.A. Love Family Assembly, kicked off on Monday 1st June 2015. Before then, preparations had been on ground and all hands were on deck to make the meeting a success. Two schools were to run concurrently – morning sessions 9am was leadership school while evening sessions 5pm was School of the Spirit.
On Monday 1st June, at 9am, opening prayers began for about 30 minutes before the guest minister; Dr. Moses Fagbemi of the Source Gospel Ministry came to minister the word. He talked about Leadership and Rulership, their differences and how it affects the church. He also said what the ruler seeks to achieve by control, the leader gets more by inspiring and so leadership in the body of Christ is different from all other kinds of leadership. The morning session came to an end at about 11am with closing prayers.
We were all back again at 5pm for the evening session. Pastor Kato led the opening prayer and Pastor Courage led us in worship then explained how the ministry started and gave all thanks to God acknowledging Him as the one who has brought us this far as a ministry. He read to us Acts 18:24-28 and said we would be instructed more perfectly in the way of the Lord, he also said he believes that during the convention, there would be impartation, we’ll be more effective and relevant to God and our generation.
Pastor Courage Ode appreciated Rev. (Dr.) Efe Obuke of Pneuma Force Foundation Ministries for standing by him as his pastor all these years. The choir then ministered in songs and Dr. Efe Obuke came up to minister. We read Ezekiel 46:9 and he explained to us that we came in differently but a law says anyone who comes must not return the same way. He said he believes that God is bringing change and restoration. And soon he began to flow in the word of knowledge and prophecy. Then he continued ministering from Ex. 19:10 and talked about the trumpet. Trumpets were designed to produce movement, it had meaning and we must hear the sound of the trumpet to move to a new position. That trumpet is the voice of God. 1 Cor. 15:52 and John 12:28. He ended by saying the 1st and 2nd day were preparations for the 3rd day.
The following day, 2nd of June by 9am, we were gathered again. After the opening prayers and worship, Pastor Courage came up to give a recap of what Dr. Fagbemi ministered on leadership the previous day. He said the issue of leadership is so important we can’t do without it. Then Dr. Fagbemi continued his teachings on leadership. He said fathers of faith are trying to correct a structure without touching the foundation and that has affected the operations of the church. He said the scope of the call is one thing and the ability of the leader is another but God will not limit the scope of the call because of the inability of the leader. Joshua 14:1-14. We prayed and soon departed and returned at 5pm for the evening session which started with opening prayers as usual by Pastor Joe Nwafili (SU) and then praise/worship which was followed with the LVV ministration, then Dr. Efe Obuke continued his message. He said God’s instrument for changing your life is that voice. Not every voice will change your destiny but the voice of God. He encouraged us to pray the scriptures until they become reality, until the voice comes. He made it clear to us that God is impacting the Spirit of knowing and seeing and prophesied that divine equipment is coming upon this house (Love Family Assembly). The meeting ended at about 8:30pm.
June 3rd, opening prayer by Pastor Kato followed after with praise and worship, afterward Dr. Obuke handled the morning session. His text was from Gen. 14:11,23 saying when you have the covenant, you run after what is normally impossible- David ran after a lion and a bear, Abraham and his servants went after kings and rescued Lot. He talked about two systems on the earth and that both seems to produce identical things but is very different. He said there is a system from God that makes rich and we belong to a system that is powerful enough to empower us financially. He explained the blessing as regards Isaac blessing Jacob and also the concept of the corn, wine and oil.
By evening we were gathered again and this time another guest minister Pastor Chris Delvan, based in Kaduna, was around. After opening prayers by Pastor Joe, praise and worship and LVV ministration, Pastor Chris Delvan came up to minister and he told us that it’s possible to lose the things of the Spirit and it’s possible to recover them. He emphasized the importance of the Holy Ghost in our lives and said the Holy Ghost is what makes the difference between Christianity and religion, until the Holy Ghost comes, nothing makes sense. He told us to read John 14, 15, 16 and 17 to have a better understanding of who the Holy Ghost is to us. He also flowed in the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit.
The morning session began with opening prayers by Pastor Kato, then Pastor Courage made us pray in tongues for a while before Mrs. Dotun Akinsulire (Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos) ministered to us in songs.
Questions were asked from Dr. Obuke’s teaching which he answered accordingly before Pastor Chris Delvan came up to minister. His emphasis was still on the Holy Ghost. He said we can’t be hungry without Him and we can only desire what we know. Another word for blessed is equipped. He round up by saying service is the least thing we can give God for what He has done for us.
By evening we had opening prayer then worship by Mrs. Livingstone (Winners Chapel), LVV ministration and Pastor Christ Delvan. He said if you don’t know your history you cannot tell where you should be heading. He explained worship as an adventure in God with no guarantee that one will return with his/her life intact. He sang some songs and the entire congregation sang along with him. It was indeed a night to be remembered as he sang and ministered and also prophesied as the Holy Spirit led him. We took offering and prayed and the meeting ended.
June 5th at 9am was prayer followed by worship then Pastor Chris Delvan came up to minister. He said our encounter with God should bring a “wow” in people. He said church should be a compliment not the only source of knowing God and that children should be taught about God from home. He also emphasized the need for a personal relationship with God. God is God no matter what but when God becomes your Lord then you have a relationship with him.
The evening of the fifth day, Dr. Obuke said there is a season of change and emphasized on preparations using Esther 2:12 as a text. He said in preparation for the third day, you need oil and oil represents the Holy Ghost. He declared that the heavens are opened and soon began to flow in the gifts of prophecy and word of knowledge. He explained the inward and outward anointing, he also explained the Spirit, soul and body, their voices and how it affects our lives.
Morning session on the sixth day, Dr. Fagbemi said the endtime is all about end games and whoever prepares is the one who wins. His emphasis was the glory of God, in other words, massive presence of God which should be revealed in us and through us so that we radiate the glory not reflect it.
Then Rev.(Dr.) Obuke began to minister from 1 John 5:4. You can’t be born of God and not have faith. He said whenever God’s word comes into our spirit, we should focus on it and not shift it to our reasoning or feeling.
By evening, he emphasized that we can operate in the supernatural, he gave plenty examples of how he began to operate in the supernatural, he advised us to challenge ourselves to greater heights in God. Praying in the Spirit opens us up to knowledge. He reminded us that Pastor Chris Delvan said to pray in the Spirit 20mins per time, morning, noon and night.
Sunday morning we were in church 8am for service which commenced with the opening prayer, followed by praise/worship. Then Pastor Courage gave some Pastors 5mins each to greet the church and share the word in quick succession, Pastor Ize Omoruyi ( Abuja), Bro. Benjamin Wisdom (Chaplain Of Kebbi State University), Pastor Innocent Uduoette (Lagos) and Pastor & Mrs Dotun Akinsulire (Four Square Gospel Church, Lagos). Prayers were made for Pastor Dotun and his wife who will soon start off a new work. Word session was taken by Dr. Obuke who said we have come to a season of open heavens. Taking his text from Mark 1:10, he explained that when that dove came out, it came out with everything that heaven has to offer. i.e. the Holy Spirit. Explaining further, he said open heavens is that season in your life when the Holy Spirit is activated. In other words, one can walk under open heavens if one can live and function in the Spirit. The service came to an end after offering, tithes and announcements and the closing prayers had been taken.
By 5pm that same day, we were gathered again for the last session of the Convention and Dr. Obuke said God is bringing restoration. He talked about “gate”. “I am the house of God and I am a gate”. He gave us fresh insight into the meaning of the church-ecclesia and explained the concept of being born again. 2 Corinthians 3:18. After the word, there were diverse ministrations. Hands were laid on different categories of people before the meeting finally came to a close.
No doubt we saw God at work during the convention. Many received healings, light and direction came to us, the manifestation of the gift of the Spirit was a regular feature on a daily basis. The presence of the Lord was evident and God’s word came to everyone present either as an individual or corporately as a body or church. The Lord truly showed Himself strong and faithful on our behalf. Indeed, individually and as an assembly, we have come to a new pedestal. May the deposit of the word and Spirit produce and prevail in us in Jesus’ name.

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