Friday, January 29, 2021



“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death”. Revelation 2:8-11.

Address: The Church in Smyrna Ad 100-313

Smyrna means myrrh. It was an ingredient used both in the Old and New Testaments.

The product was used for embalmment (John 9:39), anointing oil (Exodus 30:23), (Psalm 45:8, SOS 3:6) used for heavenly perfume for the groom and bride.


The identity you may have before men may not be the identity you have before God.

-The church in Smyrna is known as the martyr church-a martyr is somebody who would rather choose to die than do away with strongly held belief.

- Also referred to as the persecuted church. Persecution means being subjected to unfair treatment because of your beliefs.

- Somebody who makes sacrifices or suffers greatly in order to advance a cause. Martyr also means witness.

Persecution: What you suffer or lose for righteousness sake, not for disobedience, rebellion, sin or incompetence.

- Also known as the poor rich church. In the eyes of men, the church looked poor but in the eyes of God, was rich. You are on the path of destruction when you use different parameters other than God’s to judge issues, events and circumstances etc. We must endeavor to use the scale of God to judge. They were poor outwardly but rich in faith and good works. By human and economic standards, they were poor but were rich in the sight of God. (Mark 8:36, Luke 12:13-21). If you are not careful, you will miss God by trying to live your life to meet the societal standard.

The City in Smyrna was a proud and beautiful Asian city that had allegiance to Rome and eager to meet the demands of Emperor Worship. It was a difficult city with Jewish population and it wasn’t easy to live there. Polycarp was the first and last bishop that existed there. It was celebrated for the school of science and medicine. The temple of Bacchus-god of wine existed there.

Attribute (Introduction)

Jesus revealed Himself as (Revelation 8:2) the First and Last, who was dead and came to life. First and Last here means there’s none beside Him, He’s all and all. He pointed them to the resurrection power, letting them know that He conquered death, so death is not an issue.

Approval (Commendation) Revelation 2:9

- He knew their works. Works cannot save but after you are saved, your works count. Your good works is not to be done to get the approval of men but for God’s. (See Jesus’ teaching on good works in Matthew 25:36-43). Stop looking for men’s approval of your works. Charity begins at home. Good works should start from the home. God takes account of our works. It matters to God about our good works.

- Spiritual endurance. The emblem of a good soldier is the ability to endure. (2 Tim. 2:3). The suffering/endurance is the sacrifices you need to make.

The church in Smyrna lived with eternity in view. Do not live for now. We are on a journey; this is not our resting place. (Col. 3:2, Matt. 10:39, 6:19-20, 19:28-30). There is no sacrifice too big to make in order to follow Jesus. Don’t compromise scriptures for anything because of immediate gratification when eternity is forever.

Historical fact:

About five million were killed for their faith. This would be over one hundred million in our day. They still stood for their faith and didn’t’ compromise.

- They were poor (by human standard) but rich (according to God’s standard) 2 Cor. 6:10-when you have Jesus, you have all.

They had suffered poverty for Christ. They were not poor because they were lazy, unskilled. As a matter of fact, prior to their conversion, many of the believers belonged to the labour league at that time. Thus, because of their newfound faith, many went bankrupt, their goods were burned, and they mounted pressure on them to change, but they stood their ground for Jesus.

What are you facing for Christ? What you may be losing now is nothing compared to what you will lose without Christ.

- They had opposition from outside and within-from Jews who were Jews by birth but bitterly opposed the truth. (See Romans 2:28-29, Titus 1:16, Ezek.33:31-32). In the midst of all these, they stood their ground. They had a revelation that the one who lived, died and rose again, was their Saviour-so they didn’t fear physical death or the persecutions they received. Jesus commended them for not bowing to the pressures against them.

Accusation (Condemnation)

They had none. Thus, it is possible to live above sin. Don’t make excuses for remaining in sin, lying, stealing. You chose to remain in these vices.


Don’t run from trouble, persecution, challenges, responsibility on your path of righteousness. Why? It purifies and perfects you. You will never come to maturity if the path God has carved out for you; you keep dodging and running away from it.

Advice (Counsel) Revelation 2:10

- Be fearless (Matt. 10:28, 2 Tim. 1:7) Don’t put anybody above God. He advised them not to give room to fear because fear is a spirit and satan uses fear to get to you. Don’t save out of fear or live out of fear. You can build a lifestyle of faith or a lifestyle of fear. (Revelation 21:8) The fearful cannot please God.

- Be faithful (1 Cor. 4:1-2) God expects faithfulness from us. He rewards faithfulness. (Matt. 24:45). If you are fearful, you cannot be faithful. (Rev. 17:14) 

Assurance (Promise) Revelation 2:10

- Jesus promised to give them the crown of life if they stayed true to following Him. (2 Tim. 4:6-8, James 1:12) Stick to the rules of engagement in order to obtain the crown.

- They will escape the second death (Matt. 10:39, Rev. 21:8)

Let life after now be real to you. Don’t let the present blur you from the future.

Smyrna’s faithfulness is rewarded by not letting their candlestick be removed from its place. There is still a remnant till this day, that the Turks who were unable to conquer Christianity labelled them “Infidel Smyrna”.

Appeal (Prayer) Revelation 2:11

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”.


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...