Monday, February 20, 2012


“Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.” 1 Cor. 4:1-2

God specifically told me that those who will be positioned to become partakers of the coming financial glory beyond believing (which was extensively dealt with in Vol.5. No. 9 edition) must be found faithful by Him.
This faithfulness will be through the process of cultivating FINANCIAL DISCIPLINE. That is people who can handle and control money and not money handling or controlling them. A people who can think, talk, behave right no matter the amount they have at any given time, small or big. Their countenance, choices, decisions is not ruled by the presence or absence of cash but by purpose and the Spirit.

The process of cultivating FINANCIAL DISCIPLINE will automatically inculcate or put in another way, will bear the fruit of INTEGRITY, WISDOM, PRUDENCE, PATIENCE, FAITH.
“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” Luke 16:10

Here are some practical examples especially for contractors and the likes. Please note that many organizations that rose and later crumbled were as a result of failure to adhere to some of these ethics or principles in operation. From the scripture above, adhering to these principles when you are small is wiser, better and safer. So don’t despise your small beginning, that’s the best time to learn. Those who have been on course for a while, it’s never too late to make the right adjustment.
   - When you get money for a job, contract; don’t spend out of the money for anything other than for the job.Especially when the profit seems big or you are paid on installment. Your projections could be altered. Just be patient and disciplined to get the job done first. Don’t work on projections or assumptions.
   - Your personal, family expenditure should be from your PROFIT only and until you are through with the job, you don’t really know your profit.

    - No matter the magnitude of the deal, maintain your standard. Only purchase what you need for the job to get one. Your social status (new cars, house, holiday etc) should only come after the job is completed. Many so called rich individuals, organizations are indebted to banks with many abandoned projects because of this erroneous act. 
    - No matter the stress you are going through at the top or low level, maintain ORDER. Let money for work be for work. The work needs to get going for returns to come.
    - My personal working principle for almost 15 years now, which is founded on Acts 6:1-7

     FOCUS – My work is properly defined and at all cost the work must not cease.
     WISDOM – If I will be effective, my priority must be right. I must know what comes first. Order of importance or scale of preference as it relates to my work especially as it has to do with time and money (expenditure)
     DISCIPLINE – What is for what? As to time and money etc.

   I pray that God will find you amongst those He can entrust with this coming FINANCIAL GLORY in JESUS’ NAME. Shalom!


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...