Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Life is a product of the choices we make. You become who you are not by the environment, persons, events and circumstances, but by the choices you make. When you have not learnt to involve God in minor issues, you will never make the right choices. It is the daily choices you make that will either make it easier or difficult for you. If you desire to become somebody, you need to have the right combination that will take you to where you are going. Jesus did just that; He got the right combination to make He who He eventually turned to become.

God does not choose for you because it will only violate your will. However, if you do ask Him, He will guide and present to you His will, still the choice ultimately rests on you. The choices you make are limited to the scope of your vision and vision comes by revelation.

In Habbakkuk 2:1-2, it declares there "...that he may run that readeth it." If there's nothing clear to read, then there's nothing to run with either. This results in many of the troubles and problems we encounter which is usually based on unreliable authorities.

Four Unreliable Authorities
1. Culture: The fact that others are doing it doesn't make it correct. Don't get into anything just because others are doing so. Become a man or woman of conviction.
2. Tradition: Don't make choices based on what has been done in a certain way.
3. Reason: This pertains to logic. There are so many things about your tomorrow that you cannot reason out. Don't depend on sense knowledge.
4. Emotion: It feels just right. Feelings could be deceptive.

Consequently, the only reliable authority is the word of God which comes by revelation and you can never have it if you are not spiritual "...the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." 2 Corinthians 3:6

Meanwhile, there are three major decisions nobody can make for you:
1. Who to live for?
2. What to live for?
3. Who to live with?
Your decisions/choices must go in these order

In Deuteronomy 30:15,19, God presented two options to choose from and then left you with the choice to choose. In other words, it is your lifestyle that will determine your choices and it is your daily lifestyle that will give you a future.


High and lofty dreams are usually birthed at teen-age. No matter how lofty the dream is, for it to come to pass, it must be through seeking God early. If you want early satisfaction, you must apply your heart to wisdom-Ps.90:12-14.

Jesus, our role model was an early seeker. He was found reasoning the scriptures with the scholars at the age of 12. You might say that's mighty too young for a boy his age. Not true! A glorious  future is a product of early seeking. In order to be satisfied early, you must seek God early. You cannot ignore God and get early satisfaction. Go for the word of God.

The first thing the word of God does is to birth a vision in you. At this phase, there are many traps ahead of you but when you have a revelation of your future, you are at an advantaged position because this vision will order and preserve your steps on the path of destiny. It is the word of God that gives you a vision to run with. Never wait or hold out till the events of  life meets you at a junction. At that point, you are helpless. When the angel appeared to Mary, she didn't immediately comprehend all he said, the Bible records that she kept the words in her heart.

Vision comes from no other source but God. The vision of God gives you a picture that will govern your life.

Psalm 8:17 states "I love them that love me; and those who seek me early shall find me." In other words, those who seek late will not find God. Seek God early in fasting, in praying, in studying and in reading the word of God and books that are relevant to your future.

Ultimately, seeking God early means to get the equipment for battles early before the day of battle, and when the day of battle arrives, you will simply be obtaining victory. If you want to find God in your tomorrow, seek Him early today.


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...