Thursday, February 4, 2021


THE CHURCH IN PERGAMOS (Revelation 2:12-17).

Live with eternity in view and not just for the now.

Address:  Rev 2:12
This letter was addressed to the church in Pergamos. It existed between Ad 314-590. The word Pergamos means marriage.

The church was identified as the compromising church with bad or evil surroundings. The church was known as the heretical church or incomplete church.

The city was situated in the political capital of Asia.  It boasted of ancient library antiquity belonging to the Romans and Greeks. It had the highest volume of ancient history. Parchments were first used there.

Attributes (How Jesus Introduced Himself)
Jesus introduced Himself as the One who has the SHARP TWO EDGED SWORD. In other words, He revealed Himself as the word of God to them. (Eph. 6:17).

The contention about this church was THE WORD. They had begun to embrace different doctrines other than Christ’s. Jesus came to address these wrong doctrines. His purpose was to get their attention back to Him because He is the living word. The word of God is quick and powerful, it has the ability to do anything it says. Heb. 4:12.

With the WORD, the intention of the heart can be searched out.

Approval/Commendation: Revelation 2:13

One key thing we have to note in reference to these letters is that God takes note of our works, He doesn’t delegate this. The real reward is not here. We have no continuing city here. And the only rewarder is God, not men. God is interested in our works; it is gripping also to note that God assesses everyone individually and not corporately.

He commended them for their steadfastness in spite of living in evil surroundings. They kept their faith though they lived in the city satan had taken as his temporary headquarters after the fall of Babylon. In this city, they worshipped among other objects, a serpent. Some believers here were murdered for their faith, e.g. Antipas-he lived and died for Christ.

Make sure at all times, you are not using other parameters to measure your progress except God’s. (See 2 Tim. 2:19) At all times, it is the word of God that should define how you should function, not the society.

Jesus condemned them for the tolerance of corrupt doctrines and heresies.

“But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate”. Revelation 2:14-15.
Once there’s anything against you, don’t take it for granted. You can’t be tolerating what God hates and expect the blessing of the Lord.

The doctrine of Balaam (See Numbers 22-25:9). The New Testament makes reference to the doctrine of Balaam, the way of Balaam and the error of Balaam.

The way of Balaam-2 Peter 2:15. The way of Balaam is unrighteousness, full of covetousness. Everything is monetized-doing everything and anything for the sake of money. We can’t serve God and mammon.

The error of Balaam-Jude 1:11. He wrongly supposed a holy God would be forced to curse sinful Israel.

The doctrine of Balaam- He rightly concluded that if you cannot curse them, then corrupt them through sexual immorality and idolatry. Revelation 2:14.

In the church at Pergamos, some were practising the doctrine of the Nicolaitans – the Nicolaitans started off as a deed in Ephesus but progressed into a doctrine in the church at Pergamos. The doctrine approved things sacrificed to idols, and sexual immorality.

If we are not careful about our environment and the company we keep, we will start compromising the doctrine of scriptures.

The scriptures have already warned us to not sit in the seat of the scornful, nor take counsel from the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners. (Ex. 34:12, Psalm 1:1-2, Prov. 13:20, 1 Cor. 15:33, 1 Cor. 5:11, 2 John 1:10).

We struggle when we embrace evil doctrines because of wrong and evil company.

Constantine was the Emperor during this period and was instrumental in mixing the church and state. He made it fashionable to join the church and incorporated practices such as making the sign of the cross, praying for the dead, the doctrine of purgatory...and many more.

When churches are sponsored by the government they begin to compromise. 

Never use result as the basis for anything. The result may be right but the intention, the motive may be wrong.
We must separate the church of the day and the government of the day. Many churches today cannot uphold the truth because they are tied to the government.

Key Lessons
- The word of God remains the standard
- Mind your company (Proverbs 13:20)
- Know the borderline-define your boundaries, the type and kind
- Learn and master CONTACT without CONTAMINATION
-Trust in God come what may. Your location/environment is not an excuse to compromise.

Advice /Counsel: Revelation 2:16.
Repent or else I will come to you quickly…To repent is not just to regret or be remorseful but it means to change.


"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it." Revelation 2:17.

The overcomer is promised eating out of the hidden manner, will also be given a white stone which signifies a “victory stone” that only the recipient will know the name written on it.

The chief lesson is that no matter the environment you are in, it is no excuse not to live right for Jesus. The church in Pergamos lived in the headquarter of satan, yet God did not lower the standard for them, He will not lower the standard for us either.


I have ears and I hear



We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...