Tuesday, June 16, 2020


"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope" Romans 15:4

If we will escape the calamities of these times, if we will not lose hope, then we must learn from the scriptures. Our hope is in the scriptures. Jesus said, "learn of me". To navigate successfully in these times,  we have to search the scriptures. We will find comfort and see the need not to be destabilized as we begin to search the scriptures. This is because everything that is happening now has been told to us in scriptures. We will have to begin to search the scriptures to find out what God is saying as it relates to these times. There is no hope anywhere else other than the scriptures. We are not left hopeless; we are not left helpless because we have the scripture. The more we search the scriptures,  the more confidence will be built. 

"This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you: in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance. That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandments of us the apostles of the Lord and saviour". 2 Peter 3:1-18

We MUST be mindful of what the scriptures are saying.  Putting ourselves in remembrance of what the word says is important. That's why I will keep repeating these truths.  Repetition is allowed, and it's born out of a conviction, not for want of what to teach. Anywhere there's discipleship,  training, proper parenting,  there will be repetition. 

We have to be mindful of the words of the holy prophets because many things are calling for our attention. We have to mind the prophecies of the prophets and not be carried away by the happenings and events of the day. We are to put ourselves in remembrance of the commandments of the apostles. 

The times are dangerous and evil,  you cannot afford to be a shallow Christian. We have to learn to interpret the events of life in the light of the scriptures. This admonition is important because, in these last days, scoffers will rise up to make light of the words of prophecies in the scriptures. And these scoffers will take a lot of shades. And many times, they will come with different doctrines.
God is not slack concerning His promises. The promise that Peter talked about was not about houses or lands but that God will give us a new earth and heaven and the present earth will be destroyed. The ONLY reason this earth is still in place is because God does not want anyone to perish. If at the end of the day, all our pursuit is not translating to this (souls been saved  ) it is a life of vanity. The only reason God is delaying is not that He has changed His mind but that many should come to repentance. The real battle on ground is the battle for SOULS. While God wants as many as possible to be rescued and saved, satan wants as many as possible destroyed. So no matter what we are doing if it does not translate to this, it is a life in futility. The signs are so clear to us that the end is at hand. The iniquity, sin and evil that abounds show the earth is ripe for destruction. Do not tie your future to perishable things. Everything (money, houses, cars,..) on earth, are tools to be used, so do not pursue them, nor live for them.

But in the midst of all these things we are to grow in GRACE and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowledge does not jump on a man suddenly. We need to deliberately seek knowledge.

The earth is due for destruction. God wants to rescue humanity before He will destroy the earth. But God is looking for people who will partner with Him to deliver souls. If there is any time we should be committed to SOUL winning, it is NOW! When we keep ourselves in the love of God: God’s pain will be our pain, His concerns will be our concerns, His desires will be our desires. So as you wake up each day how does your life translate to God’s desires? Self-preservation, self-centredness and survival mentality has to go.

Genesis 18:20,  19:1-16.
Let's take Sodom and Gomorrah as a case study. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of sin.  The prevalent sin in Sodom then was homosexuality. It was what ripened it for destruction. 

Lot knew God but was not able to stand for God. He was ignorant of the mind of God and His program.

These are not times to be ignorant of God's mind, lukewarm or just hanging on the fence. 

- The iniquity in Sodom was so terrible that the men even demanded to sleep with the men (angels) sent to rescue Lot. Lot tried negotiating with them, by offering his daughters. This is one mistake we should not make. Never negotiate with satan. The angels struck the men with blindness and rescued Lot and his household. (Today many are blind because they cannot interpret the times.) 

- Mind what you say.That act opened up his daughters to demonic influences because eventually, they slept with their father and gave birth to two cursed nations. (Moabites and Ammonites)

The mandate to be fruitful and multiply over our lives is both spiritual and physical. We need to bear spiritual fruits (Souls). God is saying to us to rescue as many as possible out of this place (EARTH) because the earth is due for destruction. This is what we should be doing now. If this is our life’s business there are many things that will not be issues to us. And if we are going to rescue men out of this place it will take more than just words. We will have to be committed to it in the place of intense intercessions. Our hearts have to be wholly sold out to it. We are to wake up with a sense of urgency and linger no more. We are to bring every man we know to the place of safety. If we genuinely pray, we will see the harvest.  This is not the time to procrastinate.  If you are not actively involved in rescuing souls you may be destroyed with them. 


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...