Sunday, March 14, 2021


TO THE CHURCH IN SARDIS (Revelation 3:1-6)

It is addressed to the church in Sardis. The church existed in Ad 1415-1700. The word Sardis means “remnant”.

The Sardis church is known as the reformation church. The word Reformation is from the word “reform” which means to get rid of unacceptable habits, to improve something by removing faults. They were known as dead but having a minority of godly men and women. They were also referred to as the dying church-i.e. spiritually dead.

Historical background 
Sardis was the most flourishing and famous city at that time, and it was noted for its great wealth. The chief of it was the carpet industry. Coins were first minted there.

Jesus referred to Himself as “He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars”. Seven denotes perfection, fullness. Thus, He revealed Himself in His fullness. Jesus needed to come in His fullness, in His perfection so they can be perfected because there was imperfection in them.

There was no commendation for the majority of the members in this church except for a few individuals whom the Lord commended for their purity.

Two key lessons from this point
1. God always has His remnant in every church age and time. (1 Kings 19:10, 18, Rom 11:2-5) If God gives you the privilege to be in a certain position, count it as such and do what is expected of you. Every time God replaces someone, it is always an improvement on the first. Anytime a man begins to feel indispensable, God withdraws from him. 

2. The fact that everybody is doing it does not mean you should do it. To be delivered from captivity, you must be sincere and repentant.
 - Heb. 12:1. In life, there are witnesses. There is always a good and bad example. We are all examples to people, either for good or bad. Where there is no good example to look up to, you should become the example. God will never leave Himself without a remnant.

The few in the church were referred to as worthy and God said they would walk with Him in white and white means purity. As you walk with Him, it’s from faith to faith, glory to glory and grace to grace.

The principles of God have not changed because He’s the same yesterday, today and forever, this means He will not lower His standard for anyone. Whatever He condemns in any generation that is against His standard/principles, remains what He will condemn in the next. God does not alter His standards for any age or time.

“Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God”
This is one letter God began with a rebuke.
Their works were not found perfect before Him. 

Historical Facts about of this church
Historically, the practices in this church were a result of the idolatry practices of the Thyatira church.

One notable figure in this era was MARTIN LUTHER. He gave us three grand gifts;

1. The universal priesthood of believers. (Every believer has direct access to God) 
2. The bible is the sole authority for the Christian faith
3. Justification is by faith alone not by works.
Some other notable names were Zwinghi, John Knox (He single-handedly swept Romanism out of Scotland through prayers), Roger Williams (founded the first Baptist Church in America) 

Modern era
Presently, our physical state is now been emphasized as against our spiritual state. We talk about our popularity and fame and no longer the presence of God. There is a growing declination. What is the emphasis in our lives and among us? 

No Holy Spirit, No life
No life, No progress
No progress, No expansion
No expansion, No explosion 
We are a spiritual people, so whatever we ought to do should start from the spirit. The church was dead. There is deadness without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit walks in purity, where there is no purity, there is no life because the Holy Spirit is the life giver but satan tries to stop us through corruption. 

Rev 3:2-3, “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you”.

- Be watchful, be vigilant, and be on your guard. We must be vigilant and beware of the traditions of men set out to deceive and take us away from the true teachings of Christ our Saviour. Eph. 5:14, Lk. 22:31-32, Col.2:6-10)

WARNING (Rev 3:3) 
If you do not watch, I'll come upon you as a thief...

 In Rev 3:4b-5, Jesus promised that he who overcomes shall,  

- Walk with Him in white- A promise of fellowship in glory
- Be clothed with garment or robe of righteousness
- Have heavenly registration. His name will not be blotted out of the book of life. This also implies heavenly recognition. 
For Jesus to say, “I will not blot out his name” means He has the power and authority to blot out ones name from the book of life.
Lk. 10:20-be thankful to God for your salvation. Every day, Life offers us opportunity, to deny or embrace Jesus. -Lk.12:8-9

APPEAL (Rev 3:6)
 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”

- I have ears and I hear what the Spirit is saying
- Pray in the Holy Ghost


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