Monday, May 18, 2020


“Though he were a Son, yet learnt he obedience by the things which he suffered”. Hebrews 5: 8. Jesus is our role model, our pattern man, our perfect example. His time of crisis/ suffering produced obedience out of Him, it could also have produce disobedience out of Him, it was a choice He had to make.

The question before us is what will this season produce out of you? Some are praying and hoping that things will go back to normal (as things were before) but the truth is, things can never go back to normal. Anyone telling you that things will go back to normal is giving you false hope. If you are also waiting for things to return back to normal you are in an abnormal state. 

 -This period can produce murmurers and grumblers out of one and can also produce people full of gratitude. 
- This period is producing vistas in the Spirit for some and also producing idleness, laziness. etc in some others.
- It is making some wiser and others foolish. 

 What are you learning?  
- Are you learning to be more submissive to the Lord or hardened against Him? 
- Are you idle or becoming more purposeful?
- Are you craving to know the voice of the Lord more or you are listening to other voices?

What is the season making out of you? 
-This crisis season can make out of you a carnal believer or a more spiritual one. 
-A fearful person or a person of faith. 

Some have become avid users of the internet-some for good, others for bad. It is your choice to indulge in and learn the right things. What is this crisis moment making out of you? God is staining the pride of men in this season. He has been calling for attention; it is time to give Him all the attention He deserves. One of the greatest lessons everyone should have learnt now is that we cannot do without God. 

  Covid-19 has come to give us an anti-kingdom culture such as social distancing; we are made to believe in this season that the unreal world (internet) is more real than the real world. When a plague struck the people of Israel, they were delivered by “Thus saith the Lord”. The social distancing we are instructed to put in place, isolation, quarantine etc, are simply public health injunctions, not scriptural standards. Yes, quarantine was prescribed in the Old Testament but many sicknesses, diseases and plagues were healed by a prophetic word and prayers. So we shouldn’t give it an interpretation that it's not. That churches are closed down and mass gatherings prohibited are for public health reasons not persecution against the church. Yes, satan can usurp such a crisis to his advantage but that is not the case we are experiencing now. 

The disciples/apostles did not shirk from their responsibilities towards others during times of crisis/plagues. Ideally, men should have been running to the church/believers for help in this season. Where we are now is simply a product of the kind of lifestyle we have been living hitherto. We are coming under the same rules as everyone else, because of how we have been living. As the church, our attitude should be to regroup and start thinking and realigning our hearts to the ways of God. We need to build intimacy with the Lord and really get to know Him so we can walk in His power and glory as we ought. 

- What you do in times of crisis will determine the outcome you will have.
- Crisis moments demands adjustments 
- Both internal and external Adjustments. Adjustments in your appetite, prayer pattern, lifestyle etc. What you are learning now is what will position you for tomorrow.  Hard and harsh times are coming. 

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil…”  Ephesians 5:15-16. In this season, we have to learn to walk more accurately in the spirit.  The days are indeed evil and we have to be more accurate in our walk. What becomes of you after this season will be dependent on what you did/gave yourself to. 

-You cannot redeem the times if you do not know the will of God. If you do not know the spiritual interpretation of these times, you are at a disadvantaged position.
-To know the will of God, you must be full of the Spirit. You do not get full of the Spirit by accident. 
- To be full, you have to deliberately take time to stay with Him, in fellowship, praying, reading/studying your bible, meditating on the scriptures, confessing the word etc.

Two manifestations of knowing Him:
-Power of his resurrection 
-Fellowship of His suffering
Remember, it is he that endures to the means there will be things to endure as we draw closer to the end. Note: one of the goals of the enemy in this season is to wear us out. Stop setting/making goals for yourself that God did not give to you. Abandon yourself in the Lord. Refuse to be worn out. Stay strong and stay up. Every seeming delay should meet us prepared now and in the future.

In Matthew 24:1-8 the word sorrow in verse 8, means labour, - ie birth pangs in the spirit - all of the events of these times should drive us to the place of intercession to birth our future in God, to birth God's agenda for the kingdom. The ultimate solution to these times is the return of our Lord Jesus.  But before He comes, His desire is that all should be saved. There is no permanent vaccine to stop this plague without its attendant side effects. What this season should birth in us is a passion to labour in prayers more than ever before. We must be able to interpret these times as God is seeing it- souls are perishing, the atmosphere is open to the spirit of death, besides Covid -19. People are dying. We should have the same mindset of God that souls be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Jesus went through all the stages of His life right.  He laboured in prayers.  Towards the end of His life and ministry, He laboured more earnestly in prayers at Gethsemane. 

1 Peter 4:7-11- “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober,  and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover a multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging..." If you are not alert, disciplined in reading/studying your bible, in the usage of your time, you cannot give yourself to prayer. If you pray more, you will act wiser, talk wiser etc. These times should see us PRAYING MORE.

This season will naturally want to make us be self-preservative, self-centred as against what the scriptures say. You must do everything to sustain your love for God and the brethren. Let brotherly love continue. We must not tamper with it but grow in it. Have fervent love, practice hospitality. Use your gift to be a blessing.
If there is any time to showcase the power of God it’s now. Whatever we are doing now should be unto the Lord in love and in the humility of heart.

As we see the day approaching;
-Let us give ourselves to prayer. 
- Love walk 
- The leadership of the Holy Ghost, awake to the dictates of the spirit. 

 A man of the spirit can never be stranded, he will stay relevant in every season.

Lord, I have ears and I hear what the Spirit is saying.


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