Tuesday, January 18, 2022


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father.

When we gather around the word of God, everybody is free to ask questions, free to talk. You are free to make contributions. It is not a function of age or position. Where there is no constant engagement, there can’t be growth, there can’t be progress. Parenting and Pastoring are termed discipleship and discipleship are both training and relationship.

As an assembly, our goal is not just to run services or entertain you. If at the end of the day you don’t understand or come into the light of it, the aim is defeated. You are free to ask me (Pastor) questions whether it’s through phone, come over to the office or my home. You have access to me. No one is hindered or being hindered to reach me.

Wanting to live an independent life is the height of ignorance. Even the way the world is moving, they are seeing the need for more and more collaboration. It’s so sad that unbelievers can collaborate and run a business successfully, whereas most believers end up being antagonistic and at loggerheads.

Everything that succeeds physically has a spiritual basis and there are laws that make it happen. The fact is, we are against the process but want the result. We don’t want to fellowship but want the benefits of fellowship. It’s people that pray together, play together, that fellowship together that can do stuff together. We will not receive the benefit of fellowship if we refuse to fellowship. When we start allowing things to happen in our midst or with one another naturally without coercion or in a mechanical way, especially with the men leading it, then the journey has begun into our coming into many of the prophecies hanging over our heads.

UNTIL SUCH BECOME OUR LIFESTYLE, WE WILL NEVER SMELL THAT LEVEL OF GLORY to become a force, to be reckoned with. For every prophecy to be accomplished, it also comes with many casualties. And by your own attitude and lifestyle, you can become a casualty to the process that is being accomplished. You are either opposing or cooperating with God by your lifestyle.

- Nobody knows when you travelled or when you returned

- You are not accountable to anybody; you just want your space. It’s not the Kingdom way, it’s anti-Christ spirit and it is to the advantage of satan and a disadvantage to you. Don’t create a convenient day/space for satan in your life

The Scriptures mention that as the day is approaching, fellowship one with another will get harder and harder. Fellowship is more than just coming to Church or being a member of a church. There is no fellowship in the Church, there is no fellowship in our homes. Everything God will do in the life of a man is in the place of fellowship. Let’s pay the price for fellowship.

Any great man you see does not walk alone. He has his company, his clique. It is in the place of fellowship we can reveal Christ and draw others to it. Be afraid when someone is doing what you are supposed to do, it shows your crown is being taken away from you. The I, Me, Myself syndrome is destructive.

We are not wasting any time when we give God attention in every aspect of our lives. We don’t have all the time in the world. Life does not run on sentiments. Principles must be established in every sphere. All our problems and struggles are rooted in the non-acceptance of reality. 

How rich you are can be measured by what you have that money cannot buy e.g. relationship. Your wealth is not measured by money. For you to be able to spend relationships, you must invest in relationships. Just as you cannot go to the bank and withdraw money without having deposited or invested, so also you just can’t spend relationships without investing. A good name is to be better desired than great riches.

One of the greatest lies you can tell yourself is that you don’t have anything to offer. Fellowship is vital, generosity is vital, liberality is vital likewise. Nobody is an island unto himself. If you want mercy, you must show mercy. To be selfish or self-centred is a cheap life.

We are in dangerous times, so discern the times, understand the demands of the times and live accordingly. Don’t live an independent life.

Jesus spoke against the children not being allowed to come to Him. He was using it to illustrate the point that if we are going to inherit the Kingdom, we must not lose sight of the childlike qualities that children have. It is at the point we stopped being children that we stopped assessing God. Children are not suspicious, they are open, they don’t keep things in their heart, and they are forgiving, loving and excited most of the time, and exciting to be around with. Where children are, are usually lively, they don’t have secrets. And in that atmosphere, there is liberty.

The majority of our struggles began at the point we lost that childlike attitude and began to be suspicious. We cannot deny the wisdom of God. By losing that childlike attitude in dealing with our Father God, we limit His power in our lives and the fellowship we have with our Father. When we build walls around ourselves, He can’t move. Children can fight this minute and settle the next. This can also play out with adults who are friends. The real problem however is that we don’t have true friends.

Many times, we don’t build relationships. Your friend should be able to call you to order when you err and you won’t take it to heart or feel insulted and to make matters worse, there are marriages that such kind of relationship does not exist. Never get to the point in your life where nobody can talk to you. What we stand to lose because of lack of fellowship is nothing compared to what we gain when we have fellowship.

Build fellowship, stay on the path of truth, be contented, be humble. If nobody greets you, greet them, be generous, be godly. Don’t wait to receive, give, pray for somebody. Just remain a blessing and you will be growing in the blessings.

Build healthy relationships and other things will spring naturally out of the relationship. If no one can tell where you are per time as a member of this Church, then your membership is questionable. It shows you are lost or on the way to being lost. The quality of your life and the bigness of your life can never be above the kind of relationship you have built. It requires sacrifice, time and effort. As you lose the childlike spirit, you lose it.

Make God your focus, pursue God, commit to the ways of God and God will bless you. Let’s make amends where we should, repent and align.


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We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...