Monday, November 26, 2012


Prov. 18:10 says “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” The strong tower is not a place but a name- the name of the Lord Jesus. The righteous will find safety from destruction, satanic harassment, safety from failure, reproach, setback and devastation only in the name of the Lord.

A name is an identity. When you call a person by name, you recall all there is to that person. When you talk about the name of the Lord, it implies authority, rank, character, power, majesty and excellence. For example, if you went to purchase a product, you immediately want to know what brand it is because the brand name determines the value you will place on it.

In these times of uncertainty, it is only in the name of the Lord you can find safety. But, how do you run into the name?

In Acts 4:31, the high priests recognized and understood the power in the name of Jesus that they “straitly threaten them and commanded them not to speak henceforth to no man in this name. And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus…” But the Apostles had a revelation of the name of Jesus when they responded by saying, “there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12. See also Rom.10:13).

Salvation is more than just becoming born again. Salvation is a total complete package of deliverance all round. That is, deliverance in your home, business, marriage, finances etc. Consequently, you cannot gain deliverance, freedom and total liberty in any area satan has harassed or caged you in no other name but in the name of Jesus. Any prayer that is not stamped in the name of Jesus, were just words rehearsed.

The reward God the Father gave to Jesus for the work of redemption is that name. You run into the ‘strong tower’ by calling upon the name of Jesus, but the calling is with a heart of conviction and understanding that the name will work for you. Jesus becomes responsible when you call Him into any issue. It is only in the name of Jesus that everything about you can be kept and preserved.

In the Old Testament, the covenant people only enjoyed a glimpse of the dimensions of the Lord per time, but the beauty of the New Testament is that all the dimensions of God is packaged in one and handed to us in Jesus. Every knee, tongue, sicknesses will bow to the name of Jesus. Your circumstances/situations all have a name and they will bow to the name of Jesus.

The name of Jesus was given and it can be taken. We are co-partakers of all that Jesus inherited. We are joint heirs with Him. Jesus declared that all that the Father had given Him; He kept in His name. So whatever is lost now is due to the fact that you refused to keep it. John 17:12.

In order to keep all that God has given us, it must be kept in the name of the Lord. So begin to use the name of the Lord in every issue, matter and situation and watch the Lord go to work.


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