Monday, June 22, 2020


“I am the true vine, and My Father is the husband. Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit he taketh away:  and every branch that beareth fruit,  He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit” John 15:1-2.

Verse 1- Jesus said, I am the true Vine meaning there may be other vines. Jesus is the true vine, He is the unifying factor, between man and God. God, the father is the Vinedresser, the Owner and Cultivator. 

Verse 2- Jesus was talking to His disciples here. He wasn’t talking to everybody. In other words, He was talking to the Church. We ought to be the examples, the bible that the world reads.  Jesus said every branch in me that does not bear fruit will be taken off. God is not interested in wastes. If you are not bearing fruit, you will be cast off. You are inexcusable. If you are not bearing fruit, it’s simply because you don’t want to bear fruit. If our covenant is superior, it means the standard of God for us is higher. The truth is, every branch ought to bear fruit. Every branch that bears fruit He prunes and purges in order for it to bear forth much fruit.

There’s no place for retirement when it comes to God because even in old age, they shall still be fat and flourishing, for the path of the just is as the shining light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. There is no place for one to plateau. In other to be purged or pruned, you will go through a process which is not palatable but the outcome is for your good. Nothing should cause you to come to a plateau, not age, status, influence etc. At all points, you must keep yielding to the process of God in your life. Often, when we begin to bear fruit, we expect commendations, reward and appreciation. But what the Lord does is to prune you so you can do more. No matter what God has used you to accomplish, it's not yet over. There's still more to be done. We are to occupy till He comes. 

Through the purging and pruning, whatever is corrupt, is removed. Whatever will hinder you from being productive is taken away. 

Verse 3-“Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken to you”. The cleansing agent is the word, so we must give attention to the word of God. It is the word that cleaned us up, it is still the word that will aid us to stay clean and continue being clean. It is a spiritual cleansing. And to stay clean, you must keep washing. To stay safe, sane and clean from pain, bitterness, corruption, sin etc, you must give your undivided attention to the word of God. If there’s any time to give the word attention more than ever before, it’s now. If you do not want to smell spiritually, you must give attention to the cleansing agent-the Word of God. Read the word, study it, think upon the word etc.

Every other need is settled inside the word. Giving attention to the word is much more important than giving attention to your physical outlook. You have to esteem the word more than your necessary food. The word of God is quick and powerful, sharp enough to remove every abnormal growth; it’s like a surgical instrument that can reach out and take out everything that shouldn’t be in you.

Verse 4- “Abide in me, and I in you…” Jesus told His disciples to abide in Him. This shows that there is every possibility not to abide in Him. There will be things wanting to take us from Him. In these times, there is high-level deception.  Jesus himself warned about this in Matthew 24.  People will give themselves to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Please note, that this deception will not come from outside but from within (The Church).

The word, ABIDE means to stay, dwell, endure, be present, to remain, to stand, to tarry, to follow, to continue. We must abide, endure to the end. We are to occupy till He comes Matthew 24: 13 clearly states, that it is those who endure to the end that will be saved. 
The gospel is being corrupted with false doctrines. The gospel of once saved always saved is completely erroneous.  This grace doctrine that gives men license to live anyhow is from the pit of hell. Grace actually empowers you to live rightGrace makes you inexcusable.

We are here on a mission to rescue souls from eternal condemnation not to promote world peace. The gospel calling for world peace, all religions coming together to pray, is from the pit of hell and it’s simply to make room and prepare grounds for the antichrist. You must resolve in your heart to be committed to the word of God and not structures or personalities. There will be rampant deception all over in these times and many will come in the name of Jesus. There is a possibility to drift off that’s why Jesus told His disciples to abide,  stay, continue, endure, dwell, follow to the end.  We are in the season of a great falling away.  We must ensure we remain connected to the vine.  We are to occupy till He comes. There is no branch that can exist on its own. Everything it needs is in the vine. 

Verse 5-“...for without me, you can do nothing. The branch cannot do without the vine.  Jesus can do without us but we cannot do without Him. We need Him more than He needs us. The branch cannot do anything without abiding in the Vine. Outside of Jesus is pain, struggling and regrets. It is only in Jesus we find fulfilment, for all things consists of Him.  Everything you do should be on the basis of God's word.  Don't reckon with your ability, but His ability. 

Verse 6- If anyone refuses to stay/abide with Jesus; he is cast off from the Vine. If you don’t abide, you cannot bear fruit because it is from Him you draw nutrients to bear fruit. The Vine does not need the branch to live, but the branch must abide in the Vine to bear fruit.

Verse 7- If you abide in Him, His interests will become your interests, His desire will be yours, and thus, whatever you ask of Him, will line up with His will. When you are abiding in Him, you will know the heartbeat of the Father such as His prayer points. God has prayer points eg Zech. 10:1, Matt. 9:37-38, Psalm 2:8, Matt. 6:10. Life is easier when God is the One giving the prayer points and this happens when you are in communion with Him. When He abides in you and you abide in Him, you begin to know what goes on in heaven that should also be done in the earth. There's no better time to be strong in the Lord. Keep following Him, press more, study more, pray more, etc.

Verse 8- The Father is glorified when we bear much fruit. As long as you are alive, God expects you to bear much fruit. Trees are known by the fruits they bear.  Now, the fruits Jesus was talking about are not material things.  Not cars, houses, money, luxurious goods and lifestyle.  The fruit is Jesus, His character, nature, power...In other words; a Jesus tree will produce Jesus fruit. Everything about you should be revealing and proclaiming Jesus. Your words, actions, lifestyle should all reveal Christ. If we truly reveal Christ, many more will come to Him through us. 

If your life is not revealing Jesus and men are not coming to Him through you, your life is a waste. Go and reveal Christ. Go and proclaim Christ.


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