Friday, June 12, 2020


We are in the times where we have to speak the truth without mincing words because these times call for drastic measures. 

Who would have been able to counsel the prodigal son, or stop him from the action he took? Until the money he had finished, he did not come to himself. He finally returned home after he came to himself. ( Luke 15: 11- 18)

Abraham was the richest man on the earth at a time. Before he died, he gave all he had to his son Isaac and then blessed him.  Soon after, famine hit the land and eventually the wealth Isaac had was exhausted, but thank God the blessing was still speaking.  It was at this junction he had an encounter with the Lord and was able to acquire more than he had before as he followed God's instructions.(Gen 26:1-4, 12-14 ) .

My prayer for you is that Whatever needs to be taken off your life in order for you to see God at work in your life let it be taken away. Whatever has hindered you from serving God let it be removed in Jesus name. Once your vision of God is blurred, you are gone.

Isaac took for granted what he had and was about to go hustling like others but an instruction from the Lord kept him and the land opened up to him and he prospered. His prosperity came without sorrows.
These are dangerous times.  God has been preparing and equipping us for these times.  It's time to put the equipment to work.  I see people dying in their number. We can’t afford to live anyhow. What exempts one from the angel of death moving in these times is for you to keep adhering to God’s instructions, the promptings and dealings of the Spirit per time. When the last plague broke out in Egypt, only those that obeyed the instruction and had their doorpost marked with blood were exempted. (Exodus 12 )

These are not the times to be cold. No one should beg you to serve God, SIT UP. Be deliberate about praying, reading your bible etc.  Take spiritual exercises seriously. Your greatest enemy in these times is ‘self’-  I, me, and myself. Stay within the boundary you have been instructed. To be rescued and preserved, you cannot be doing your own thing, what you like,  how you like it.  Apostle Paul in the epistle said "I  die daily",  "I have been crucified with Christ". (Gal 2: 20  ) Self must go.  Every step must be in line with the word and what the Lord directs. 

Don’t act out in fear in whatever you are doing, satan thrives and moves where there’s fear but God honours faith. These are not the times to be living in malice, fear, doubt, unbelief, strife, hatred etc. These open you up to the spirit of death. Keep your inside clean and pure. Until there's a contact inside, you cannot be touched. Give no room to Satan. Jesus declared “...the  prince of this world  cometh, and hath  nothing in me”.(John 14:30)

- Let us wake up to life and wake up to the demands of the Spirit. Interpret the times correctly and respond accurately . 

- Wake up from casual Christianity. You can make your zone a no-go area. Saturate your internal and external environment with the word, with God. 

-Hebrews 4:15-16
Lord, on the basis of Your blood, have mercy upon the earth.

-Ephesians 5:14-19

How a man is living determines whether he is a fool or he is wise. We must be full of the Spirit in these times, redeeming the time. We must stay awake.  The spirit of death cannot catch you if you are awake.

- We must keep Speaking.
- It ought to be a lifestyle. 
- Speak to stay full of the Spirit. SPEAK,  It is WORD WAR.  Words are spirit, the thought and words you allow are what dominates you. Keep speaking life wherever and whenever... Don’t keep quiet!  Keep speaking!

- Pray in the Holy Ghost

- Create an unconducive atmosphere for death around you. 



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