Wednesday, March 4, 2015


As a nation, we are at a critical junction, and it is only the mercies of God that will see us through. The election s have been postponed and I am persuaded God orchestrated this so that at the end of the day;

1.     His will alone will be enforced
2.     It will be a violent free election and
3.     A free and fair election

People of God, “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones; to the intent that the living may know that the most high ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.” (Daniel 4:17)

As believers, it is not time to begin to analyze the present happenings based on the physical. Many have altered their entire programme because of the election. But it is time to arise as watchers, intensify our prayers and enforce the counsel of God. This matter is not in the hands of foreign nations, political parties or any group. It is on a political platform but it is not a political matter. It is spiritual, and a matter to be settled by the decree of the watchers’. Even the true politicians know this. The votes will only eventually confirm what has been settled in the spirit.

In the midst of it all, if we get it right, I see a new Nigeria emerging. A new Nigeria not just in name but in a change of attitude, value system, orientation and structure. The artificial “glory” upon the political class will end with this era. Many rushed into politics because of the money and fame attached to it, but this is fading away. Sanity will be restored to the political class with regards to politics and elections. In this new Nigeria;

· A time is coming where people will be begged to contest. Governance will no more be business as usual. As such, visionless and irresponsible people will not want to be involved in politics nor come into government. Anyone seeking a political office will have a great sense of purpose and responsibility.

· The criteria for seeking any elective office or a re-election will be;
– Vision
– Merit
– Performance.

Position in government will no longer be occupied by the highest bidder, via godfatherism or foreign connections. The tension and violence attached to our elections will be eradicated.

God is giving a stern warning to the church. Let’s stop spreading news that heats up the polity and environment and also breeds fear. Stop spreading text messages concerning the Islamic agenda, the plans of the north and Muslims. This is not our assignment as believers. Interestingly, these messages we send around also gets to them and provoke counter attack. Take the case of Gideon in the book of Judges 7. The Israelites were so afraid of the Midianites, till the Lord allowed Gideon to hear what they were saying in their camp.

“And thou shall hear what they say and afterward shall thine hands be strengthened to go down unto the host.” (Verse 11a) They have heard our fears expressed in so many ways and it is strengthening their hands to attack. Let’s stop it. The Apostles never spent time discussing the plans against the church and all the strategies used in persecuting them. We are full of fear because we are fuller of the plans of the enemy rather than what God is doing.

· Let’s stop diverting our energy and resources and using it wrongly.

· You cannot escape whatever you fear. The root of all fear is satan and it puts you in bondage. (Heb. 2:15)

· This is what God expects of us.
“I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Tim. 2:1-2)

We have to wake up to this responsibility. The present state of the nation is because the church has failed in her responsibility. We are not to criticize or abuse those in authority but pray for them. Let me remind us of certain facts. The role of;

Social critics – is to criticize
Pressure groups – mount pressure through all available means for their share of the nation’s cake.
Ruling Party – Rule and insist on holding on to power
Opposition Party – To come into power by all means including opposing and discrediting the ruling party
International Community – Protect their vested interest in the country
Church – To mount word and spirit pressure so that God’s counsel will stand.

I love what someone wrote; “Do not condemn or criticize the government. Condemning and wishing evil upon those in government are some of those habits of Christians that kills the powers of their prayers and erodes faith. Refusal to do these things does not mean you agree with or are pleased with everything the government is doing. It just means you are focused on God as the true source of blessing in your life and you realize that power still belongs to God even in the minute details. It also means you understand what you have been called to do as a child of God… criticizing, ranting, raving, judging and such activities do not change things. They only create an atmosphere of chaos in the realm of the spirit. Let your anger and frustration motivate you to pray and prophesy.” IF WE LOSE NIGERIA, IT WILL NOT BE BECAUSE OF ANY ISLAMIC AGENDA. IT WILL BE BECAUSE WE FAILED IN OUR RESPONSIBILITY AS THE CHURCH.
· Let’s also be warned; do not collect money or any gift to vote. Do not bring a curse upon yourself and generation by doing this.

· We must follow the precedence in scripture. “And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus and Mathias. And they prayed, and said. Thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen.” (Acts 1:23-24)

· As Christians, we are to pray and find out what is in the heart of God and whom He has chosen. We are representatives of God on earth. We are to vote according to God’s will and desire, not based on our own desire, tribal or religious sentiments. Until we are able to choose whom God has chosen, we are in trouble. To get it right, we must partner with God who knows the heart of all men (Jer. 17:9-10) and can use any one to fulfill His purposes. God chose David and the difference was clear. God never said we should pray any particular person into any office, but that His will be done.

· No one should tell you who to vote for. No man of God has a right to endorse and tell people who to vote for except he can clearly say the Lord told him and expressly also told him to tell the people. As a minister, even if you are persuaded of whom to vote for, you are not to enforce it on others. The role of the man of God is to create awareness and make known God’s criteria for leadership. The church is not partisan. Individuals in the church can belong to different political parties but they must uphold kingdom values.

2 Samuel 23: 1-3 clearly spells out God’s criteria for leaders. “Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said… The Spirit of the Lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of my Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be JUST, RULING IN THE FEAR OF GOD.” It is time to look out for men that are just and fear God. The fact that a man is a Christian does not mean he fears God. We must strive to find out the will of God. If we ask Him, He will tell us.

· Finally, every Christian eligible to vote should get his/her voters card. We are to be examples in all ramifications. We are the ones to make leadership work. And as we wait the unfolding of God’s counsel, let us keep mounting pressure in the Spirit, Praying and Prophesying.


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...