Tuesday, December 11, 2012


There is this beautiful hymn we sometimes sing:
Trust and Obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and Obey.

If you are not finding happiness (fulfillment) in Jesus, it has nothing to do with satan, neither does it have anything to do with the challenges you are facing, but it does have everything to do with “trust and obedience”, and until you come to that point where it finally dawns on you that you need to trust and obey God, fulfillment in life will elude you. That is, You will be unable to find fulfillment in Jesus.

As a believer, your real focus should be having fulfillment in Jesus and being fulfilled.   
  • Beyond the desired result is fulfillment, which should be the ultimate or starting point.

  • In between trust and obedience is knowledge. You cannot trust whom you do not know and you will not bother to inquire of who you do not trust; neither can you obey what you do not know.

  • The evidence of true knowledge is this: for a person-trust, for the word-obedience. The answer to most of our prayers is instructions.

  • There are some things you are doing that you have to stop doing and there some things you are not doing that you have to stop doing.

What is trust? A firm belief in, reliability, honesty, veracity, justice, strength etc of a person or thing.

To lean on, be confident of, to put one’s confidence in.

To hope (Nah.1:7). You cannot fake trusting God. When you trust Him, He becomes your stronghold. (Is.26:3)

If you truly trust God, you will obey Him, because your trust in God finds expression in your obeying Him.

What is obedience? Act or practice or quality submission to another’s rule. It also means compliance with law and command.

You can only find fulfillment in the life of obedience. That’s why the greatest sacrifice you can offer is obedience. Even your receiving from God is tied to keeping His commandments and doing what is pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:22)
You must keep all of God’s commandments. When you go aside from each one, you go farther from blessing and fulfillment, but the reverse is the case when you are fulfilling them.

Some Examples Of Those In Scripture Who Trusted And Obeyed God: The Resultant Effect.
Noah: Genesis 6:22, 7:23. He trusted in what God said completely.
Abraham: Genesis 22:1-3, 12-17
Joshua: Josh. 11:15

God is committed to fulfilling His part of the covenant when you fulfill your own part. “And the Lord gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers… and the Lord gave them rest roundabout… there failed not aught of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass.” (Josh. 21:43-45)

Obedience positions you to receive from God. It is a life of obedience that will bring you to a place of distinguishing; and when you comply with the laws of God, you are forbidding a life of struggles.


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...