Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Testimonies From Uganda Missions 2011

The Love Revival Ministries has been a very special blessing to me in several ways; Pastor Courage Ode seemed to come to explain what I feel in my whole being but didn't know how to express in words. I am amazingly blessed that God would labour to send us someone from very far to come and help us understand what he has placed in our spirits. The publications and books have been another source of wisdom and encouragement. I loved the books on wisdom, prayer and faith. The Love Digest has many short but rich messages. I would love to be part of the Singles Forum. It has been a great honour to work with Love Revival Ministries, Sokoto. Makerere loves you. Bamngi Cadreen.

I am very appreciative of the opportunity God Himself provided and enabled me to meet with Pastor Courage Ode. His messages which are full of revelations have been inspiring and have enabled me to venture out more into the scriptures. The materials have also been so good and rich that I have been encouraged to read on and on. I just bless the Lord for everything. May God continue to bless and inspire the writers of the magazine. I pray God blesses the church and provides also. Elijah Ollo.

I have been blessed by Pastor Courage Ode’s message especially those concerning our nation, Uganda. The messages have always stirred up my spirit to intercede for Uganda. God has since answered my prayers. The peaceful presidential elections we had in February this year, the rainfall that has overshadowed the drought, the determination of the members of parliament to fight corruption are some of the many prayers God has answered about this nation. It is my prayer therefore that the ministry continues to be a blessing to Uganda since she gives clear revelation of God’s purpose for the nation. Kizige Joshua.

I bless the Lord for the ministry. I have been blessed by the materials for they have challenged me to study the word deeper. Pastor has taught that the word of God never fails and also to follow the Lord closely because I will never lose in following Him. Pastor has been such an encouragement. He has shared the word of life that has surely transformed us. May God surely bless this Ministry. Caro.

I would like to pass on my utmost gratitude to you, the church and your ministry partners for making it possible for us to own all these amazing books and newsletters and recorded messages at no cost at all!!! They are such a great resource for me especially as a leader and I want you to know that your generosity is greatly appreciated and may the lord continue to use you to reach out to so many young people and be a blessing to them as you have been to us in Uganda. Shalom Racheal Kisembo.

Praise God! Dear brethren, my name is Edgar. I am from Uganda and also a Pastor at a Youth Fellowship. I work as a Branding executive and Freelance Graphics Designer here in Kampala.

I was Introduced to Love Revival Ministries last year around September/November when Pastor Courage was ministering at a Conference tagged  “Kingdom Mandate”, as I came in to attend the Last Session. At the end of it, I had to wait for my colleague who had invited me and was now engaged in a meeting with Pastor Courage after the conference as one of the organizers and partners of the ministry.

I must say It wasn’t in my plan to partner with this ministry but as I was waiting for my dear friend, I couldn’t help but over hear the discussion going on during the meeting, so I felt an urge to contribute in any possible way.

Concerning the support required, I offered to contribute to the ministry graphic design and branding consultation services free of charge. Still I wasn’t ready to become an active member. But as the discussion and meeting went on, another need arose and I felt I had the resources to do it i.e. registration of the ministry so I still volunteered.

All I am saying is that God has ordered my footsteps. Pastor Courage’s visit last week had an enormous profound effect on my life. Not in matters of high spirituality one may assume or intense and exciting spiritual euphoria. But rather a simplistic and practical effect that I strongly believe God wanted me to learn at this point in my life.

For long, I have always felt the desire to be above the norm but I didn’t know how.  People around me have always complimented my effectiveness and focus in life but just one week with Pastor Courage exposed my incompetency’s, lack of direct focus and inconsistencies I never knew I had. This has called for serious adjustment in my personal Life and my ministry. For we are members of Love Revival Ministries preaching Revival to the Nations but the Revival starts right within us and then will we be able to take it to the nations.

Let me take this opportunity to thank Pastor Courage, for I look up to him and respect him as an elder in faith and as a mentor. Who has imparted me with wisdom and completely turned on my focus and inspired a new burning zeal and direction for my life and ministry. His friendship and patience has been a blessing and has taught me so many lessons in a week that would have taken a lifetime. I am blessed to be a part of this ministry, and I believe that this is where I should serve as God has assigned me.


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...