Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We had delegates from Niger Republic, Lagos, Abuja Lokoja, Ile-Oluji (Ondo State), in attendance and several other churches and ministries within the land of Sokoto, who actively participated.

The meeting commenced at the stipulated time, 5:00pm on Thursday,25th October, 2012 with an opening prayer in tongues to set the stage for the Spirit influence over the meeting

The flow of the meeting was sustained by a deep intense worship session which led to the Word session.

The Word session was a moment to share with believers on the burden and premise for the meeting, the expectations of God concerning the meeting, what God is counting on us to achieve with Him through the summit.

The word came expressly that the focus for the meeting is laborers and not the nations or the harvest.

The words of enlightenment came on how the whole world has become a global village making the nations accessible and open to the gospel if only we can maximize the opportunities that abound before us.

It was further revealed that the most populous nations in the world with largest number of unbelievers are yet accessible if only we can look beyond the conventional open doors we are used to. It was revealed that through the instrumentality of education, health, commerce etc most nations of the world have become accessible to the gospel.

It is not about what to do but it’s about the mass of people required to do it.

The labourers can be categorized into three(3) namely: Praying, Preaching and Paying implying that everyone concentrates on his/her own division of the assignment with the due sense of purpose, duty and responsibility.

The word exposition culminated into a prayer session as instructed by the Lord in the central theme scripture Matthew 9:36-38

The meeting was well attended by seasoned men of God from divers’ denominations. 

The word session rounded off with closing prayer made by elders of the church in Sokoto, these prayers in a way set the tune for the next round of prayer sessions to be conducted.

FRIDAY MORNING-The prayers kicked off with praying in the spirit to access the mysteries of God as it relates to the central theme of recruiting labourers. The prayer flow led to a progressive revelation that true labourers must be envisioned and empowered to work.
Prayers were made on the envisioning of every heart and that Spirit encounters are given to every one diversely and individually as it relates to this harvest.

FRIDAY NOON-Prayers were made with emphasis still on the envisioning of hearts which is the seat of decisions to birth a willingness and availability consciousness to the master’s concern as it relates to the global harvest.
Scriptural insights were given on how God will give pastors after His own heart unto the people in response to these prayers.

FRIDAY EVENING-The prayers commenced with intense praying in other tongues still on the central theme that labourers be sent forth into the harvest.
This session was anchored by several women of God present with each person giving a supply of the Spirit to the prayer focus.
The meeting culminated into a worship session which ushered in some prophetic utterances.

SATURDAY MORNING-The meeting continued still with greater fervency and heart connections in prayers. The central focus still maintained on the deployment of labourers into the harvest.
Progressively the word of the Lord came that this meeting will lead to the emergence of strong and healthy churches and ministries.

SATURDAY NOON-The flow of the meeting was sustained with fervent prayers made yet on the central theme. Insights continued to flow as it was revealed by the Spirit that there will be a repeat of Acts13:1-4 through this meeting where believers will be sent forth by the Holy Spirit. These led to a corporate prayer for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit in the church at large to fulfill the assignment before her.

SATURDAY EVENING-This session began with intense prayers still on the central theme. The flow of the meeting became charged as several ministers of God continue to lead the congregation in praying in the Spirit. The word of the Lord came that the ‘few’ as seen in that scripture (Matthew 9:37) is not only numeric but also in the strength, agility, equipping and fortification of these labourers. This led to prayers and congregational response of Amen. A vision was shared with the focus on courage as a necessity to accomplish the task ahead and Pastor Courage charged up the congregation by speaking to the soul and heart of the churches in the continents to be strong and courageous. 

He also led everyone to take a prophetic action which involved re-positioning themselves by physically walking away from where they were standing praying in tongues. A further instruction was given that everyone should look toward the pulpit while each person takes three (3) steps in this direction. 

The summit ended officially around 7:40pm with a charge from Pastor Courage that everyone should go in ‘this thy might’ and do as the Spirit bade them to and also a call and response on the Church is strong, agile, durable, long lasting, focused, courageous etc and the people answered Amen.


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