Wednesday, April 15, 2020


In every season new things and terms come up. We are being told to Practice Social Distancing but there is one thing we must practice now which is more important than Social Distancing. It is called MENTAL DISTANCING. That is, mind what you are allowing into your mind. Giving attention to the news, varied information on the internet can affect you seriously and breed fear.
The information we are collating and gathering up in our minds can lead to destruction. If we do not mind what we are hearing and seeing in these times we will be held in captivity. We are to GUARD our hearts with all diligence.
If you do not maintain and enforce Mental Distancing, you will be a victim of these times.
Right now, God is staining the pride of men. Both men of status and means and the common man have all been affected. Even in Church and out of Church, developed and developing countries have been almost crippled by COVID-19. All brought to the same level in need of a solution
No one is an authority over this matter. When things come to this junction, then we must begin to know that only God has the answer.
In Matthew 24 : 3, the disciples ask Jesus, what shall be the signs of His coming and of the end of the world. Jesus answered by saying, *Take heed that no man deceive you*.( Verse 4 & 5)
Jesus emphasized on deception. In fact, the deception is not coming from outside but within (Church). It is not everything we must give our minds to now. The devil is trying to take advantage of the situation to bombard our minds with all kinds of theory. We must not be carried away with every wind of doctrine. We become worn out when we are carried about with every wind of doctrine. Some have said this is not a plague, and that God doesn’t send plagues. But I am saying to you that this is just the beginning! Scriptures say that see that NO man deceive you. Part of why we are confused is because we are looking at God through personalities rather than through His word. We rather believe what a personality said than what God says in scriptures, and this is because our focus over time has shifted.

They said it is a short name for Coronavirus. Everything in life has both spiritual and physical meaning, and the spiritual meaning is superior to the physical.

Ephesians 5:13-17 - It is foolish to think that everything ends in the physical. We must understand what the will of God is in this matter.
COVID-19 is a plague; it is a pestilence; it is a fulfilment of Prophecy (darkness)

Genesis 12:17, Exodus 9:14-15, Numbers 16:46, Psalm 106:29-30, Revelations 18:1-

The first time we find plague in the Bible is in Genesis 12:17. You can’t kill a plague when the source is God. People have been so bombarded with a lie that when they see the truth they still want to justify the lie.
The reason we cannot partake of the plague is not just because we are believers, but believers who do not partake in what brought the plague. Scriptures say we should separate ourselves. Being a believer does not guarantee you will not partake of the plague, you must separate yourself from the sins and cause of the plague (Revelations 18:4)

God brings a plague for judgment when He is angry when His authority is being questioned etc

No plague has a specific duration.
1. It is tied to how fast the people respond by repentance or make the needed adjustment
2. How fast the message is passed across.
3. Thirdly, until the purpose of the plague is accomplished.

We are being deceived right now by focusing on the wrong things concerning this issue. What should be on our minds now should be what is God saying; what are the lessons we are to learn from this? If we do not get this, we cannot escape being victims.
Numbers 21:5-9 - Most of the Israelites died because God sent fiery serpents among them to kill them. Anyone who is not telling you the TRUTH right now that this plague is God at work is DECEIVING you!
The Church must FREE herself from the pressure of the World. The Church must not try and obey the World. The truth is that if God is not saying anything, it is better to keep quiet rather than try to say something so that the World will know we are saying something.
Genesis 19:13-14 The Word has come and the world is ripe for destruction. What ripens the earth for destruction is SIN. We know this by the level of atrocities in the earth right now. The World has insulted God enough. What righteousness gives us is that it shows us the way of escape if we will take advantage of it. God wants to take us but in taking us out some will still linger.
As we are sanitizing our hands we must sanitize our hearts ten times more; as we are maintaining social distance we must maintain MENTAL DISTANCING much more.

In summary,
1. God is calling for the attention of the nations
2. It is time to seek God at a more-closer level.
3. It is time to repent from every sin and serve God genuinely. 2 Timothy 2:19.

COVID-19 is not a storm but a plague. We rebuke a storm but not a plague. WE CAN ONLY AVERT A PLAGUE BY RESPONDING TO GOD’S INSTRUCTION AND PLEAD FOR MERCY. This is a spiritual matter, and it requires a spiritual response.
1. Every family should pray and break bread every day
2. Every personal altar must be alive and active

A people fired and lighted up will emerge and the earth will be too small to contain them. The earth also will be lighted and fired up for a massive harvest-a quick work in righteousness that will hasten and usher the coming of Jesus. His coming is near but this condition must be met-“…Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?... And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come”. Matt. 24:3, 14.



In these days, with the goings-on, your life in God ought to be different. If you are still living normally like you used to before this plague, then you are living in self-denial. This is not the time to brag, the fact that the mercy of God has preserved you does not mean you are better. This is the time to be grateful to God.
When God sent the plagues upon the Egyptians, the children of Israel were preserved by the blood of the lamb on their doorposts, which was called the Passover. Now, in our day, the Passover is called the Communion-the body and blood of Jesus. The plague is no more in Egypt and whatever name COVID-19 is being called, it is nevertheless a PLAGUE. So when we take the bread and the wine, we do it in remembrance of the Lord-recalling to mind the shed blood of Jesus.
Every time God brought a plague, it was for a season and a reason. As a people, we must not allow it to continue for too long. And while this is going on, we must begin to take stock.
“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching”. Hebrews 10:23-25
As the day is drawing near, there will be things that will keep coming to question our faith. Still, we must hold fast to the profession of our faith and stand in the consciousness that God is faithful.
How can we hold on to the profession of our faith? We do so by;
Considering one another and to provoke one another to love and good works. The times will make us want to consider ourselves and be self-centred. We must keep assembling together and exhorting one another. God commanded it and warned us not to deviate from it.

“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart”. Acts 2:41-46

- The gathering should take place in the temple
- And from house to house
The church is the big family and the home is the small church.

Fellowship has no replacement. As the day keeps drawing near, the real thing satan is trying to destroy is our fellowship. If the devil succeeds in tampering with that, so many things will be tampered with. We must not forget that the real reason God created man was fellowship.
Now, having known that the root of this attack is against fellowship, God is calling for our attention. He’s calling for our attention through the personal and corporate type of fellowship. They both have their place; one cannot replace the other. However, the corporate fellowship will not make much meaning without the personal fellowship. For the corporate fellowship to make an impact and be effective, the personal fellowship must be sound, fervent and effectual. Revelation does not come by explanation, it is birth in the place of fellowship. Your greatest asset is your personal communion with the Lord. The root of many of our problems in the world is tied to our lack of fellowship with the Lord. There is a purpose of God that can only be accomplished in every part coming together in fellowship. If you are not attending to your personal altar now, you are missing the point of the season. The work starts with ME but ends with US.
We can never come into the fullness of God in isolation.
“According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord… for this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named… that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God”. Eph. 3:11-19.

For whatever reason, stop taking fellowship for granted.

“And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up…”Acts 14:19-20. The presence that is made manifest is determined by the people’s identity. It was this presence that saved Saul later turned Paul because they gathered as disciples of Christ. We must stop taking our gathering for granted because there is an attack against FELLOWSHIP but we must not be victims.


The medical explanation and name for CORONAVIRUS is COVID-19 but it has a spiritual name- *IT IS A PLAGUE, IT IS A PESTILENCE, IT IS DARKNESS and it’s a fulfillment of prophecies. 

Peter’s expertise failed him at one time when he went fishing, he had toiled all night but caught nothing. He had to let go of what he thought he knew for a higher revelation/truth. when Jesus told him to let down his net. He did at the word of Jesus and experienced a turnaround.

There are lessons that must be learned during this CORONA VIRUS pandemic. If we don’t learn our lessons now, a worse than CORONAVIRUS will come after it.

CORONAVIRUS is a manifestation of the darkness.

Isaiah 60:1-3- the scope of the manifestation of the darkness is the entire earth. Darkness manifest in different dimensions. When the darkness is manifesting, it thrives on one’s ignorance and as long as your definition and interpretation of it is not correct, you are at a disadvantaged position. David stood in an advantaged position when he correctly redefined Goliath as an uncircumcised Philistine.

Events such as Ebola, terrorism, COVID-19 are manifestations of a root cause. When we take it from the root and understand what it really is, then we can bring it to an end. As long as we keep tying it to events, we will miss it. COVID-19 is part of the darkness we read about in the bible. The darkness usually has a physical appearance and manifestations upon the earth and the people.

A few things to note- The only answer to the darkness is light
In the beginning when the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, God called forth light. ( Genesis 1:1-3). Because the darkness is spiritual, the answer must be spiritual.
Isaiah 60:2. Gentiles should come to the brightness of our rising. we should lay emphasis on the saving power of God. The only thing that can bring people out of the darkness is light. The error in the church is much. Very few have an accurate picture of the mind of God in these times.

- This darkness is inferior to light, no matter the shape it takes. John 1:5. The darkness only remains when light is absent. The only reason you may be afraid of the darkness is that you do not have a revelation concerning light.

- This light will only find expression on earth through the church. Believers in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:18-20). God will not come and shine the light by Himself. All of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.

- The answer to this is not in the medical field or scientific world. We must not put our hope in man-made structures. It would appear as if we have become ignorant of the fact that life does not end here. We must come to the point whereby we know God is all in all.

- This light is Jesus.
God's desire concerning humanity is that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. If all we are doing does not ultimately translate to this, it is an exercise in futility, it is vanity, it has no count in eternity. No matter the state you meet anyone, your greatest concern, should be their salvation and spiritual state. We were left here to express Jesus. John 1:1- 4,14.1st John 1:5, John 8: 12.
- The light that the gentiles will come to, has to be conceived and given birth to. There is no conception by mistake. Romans 8: 18-28
There's a dimension of partnership and prayers we must come into-groanings and intercession by the help of the Holy Ghost. For us to have the same end result like Jesus, we must do what He did to arrive at the same result.
We must groan in intercession if we want to see Jesus and partner with Him. Groaning is the kind of prayer the Holy Ghost helps us make because of the burden we carry which we cannot birth on our own except by the help of the Spirit. Phil. 1:19. Romans 8: 26- 27.
If God can find men and women who will yield themselves to the Holy Spirit, it will turn to the salvation of souls thru the supply of the Spirit.
Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, but He is not idle. He is interceding. Psalm 110:1-3, Hebrews 7:25.
The church is His body. Until the head and the body are in complete harmony, the job cannot be done. The real issue right now is for us to align with the head of the church, JESUS, then there will be an outburst of light and glory.
In Exodus 2:23, the children of Israel sighed due to the bondage and they cried - (agonizing prayers ) which reached out to God and He remembered His covenant. (Remember, Israel is a type of the church) Until He heard their groaning, He did not see nor respond to their afflictions. Right now, there is a sighing going on.

- Acts 7:34.When God heard their groaning -agonizing prayer, He sent a messiah - Moses a type of Christ. But the deliverance was not instant. He sent plagues against the Egyptians which eventually led to Israel's deliverance and entrance into the promised land.

Conversely, there is glory ahead of us and the end of it will be salvation, glory etc. But we need to labour in the Spirit to birth it. It will come when we give ourselves to groaning in the spirit. We must not be ignorant. Our focus now should not be self-preservation. You are lighted up to be a light, blessed to be a blessing.
Ezekiel 9:1-9, those that were spared bore the burden with the Lord. We will give an account for our day.

- God is calling us to participate.
-You cannot participate if there's no burden.
- You cannot have a burden when there's no concern and you are not in the know of what's happening.
-Your concern and burden is expressed in the place of intercession. A burden will lead you to travail.
The Holy Ghost is looking for men He can impregnate to bear the burden with Him. Don’t be unconcerned, do not be isolated and indifferent. You have been preserved to yield to the Holy Ghost so He can use you. You must be constantly engaged in the warfare.

PrayerPray in the Holy Ghost


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...