Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Church - In Times of Trouble, Threats And Danger

Recently, in my meditations, a word dropped in my spirit;


This is the best time for the church to give God the opportunity to show case His power and glory like He did in the lives of those of old.
“But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew…” Ex.1:12

Every member of the present true church with proper understanding should be glad and count it a privilege to be a part and to witness these times. We must never forget that light is always more relevant in darkness. We have no reason to be surprised at all at the turn of events because we have been fore warned in scriptures.

“I have told you these things, so that in ME you may have (perfect) peace and confidence. In the world, you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration: but be of good cheer (take courage, be confident, certain, undaunted). For I have overcome the world. (I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.”) John 16:33 (AMP)
“…wickedness is multiplied…” Matthew 24:12 (NIV)

“BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble (hard to deal with and hard to bear)” 2 Tim. 3:1 (AMP)

All these scriptures and many more are pointing or referring to our present day and time. So, this gives a clue to the kind of time we are in, what to expect or see happen. However, from the same scriptures, we should be able to find “the how to handle times like these.” What should be the response or responsibility of the church at these times?

“For everything that was written was written to teach us, so that through endurance and encouragement of the scriptures we might hope.” Rom. 15:4. (AMP)
“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Heb. 6:12

So, let’s look at what is written for our example, to learn from. Before we look at the examples before us, we must remember that our God is called JEHOVAH, THE MAN OF WAR (Ex. 15:3). If we as a church are His body, the head and the body are the same. So as a church, we must not chicken out, we are packaged and designed for war. The faith we have is not to pray against trouble or battle but to go to battle, win and obtain the victory.

CASE 1“It came to pass after this also, that the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon and with them other beside the Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to battle. Then there came some that told Jehoshaphat, saying, there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side Syria, and behold, they be in Hazazon-Tamar, which is En-gedi. And Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah gathered, to ask help of the LORD, even out of all the cities they came to seek the LORD.” 2 Chron. 20:1-4

Israel in our day can be likened to the church, Jehoshaphat to the pastor, while the gang up of nations in our day can be BOKO HARAM, RIOTS, STRIKES, VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING, ARMED ROBBERY etc. added to the persistent hatred and persecution. Jehoshaphat’s first response was to seek the Lord (Ps.121, 127, Is. 31:1) by proclaiming a fast and gathering the people together. Please note, they gathered to seek the Lord in times of danger, threats, and troubles. They didn’t seek help from the government of the day, rather, the government of the day needed the help of God through the church, they didn’t run or go into hiding but they GATHERED to seek God and not to protest.

“And all Judah stood before the LORD, with their little ones, their wives, and their children. Then upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a levite of the sons of Asaph, came the Spirit of the LORD in the midst of the congregation. And he said, hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem and then King Jehoshaphat, thus saith the LORD unto you, be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” 2 Chron. 20:13-15

Another point worthy of note was that it was clearly defined and emphasized that the gathering was unto the LORD. Whenever He is magnified, He will never cease to show up. It was also clearly stated that the gathering was all inclusive (children, women, nursing mothers etc) the men were not mentioned because that’s a foregone conclusion. It was the atmosphere that gathering created (similar to the case in Acts 2:41-43) that gave the platform for the prophet to prophesy. That is the intercession of the church gave rise to the operation of the prophet. And the first word that came was FEAR NOT NOR BE DISMAYED (DISCOURAGED) now this is important because the natural thing to do in times of danger, threats and troubles is to be afraid and discouraged. Fear and discouragement create an environment for satan and demons to work. Of course, the rest is history because further instructions and direction came and victory was obtained to the glory of God. Please take time to go through the whole chapter.

CASE 2 – “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, peace be unto you.” Jn.20:19

This was after Jesus laid down His life. The disciples were afraid because the authorities of the day were against them, but they still met or gathered in the same place at the same time. Jesus came to the place where and when He expected them to be gathered. His coming brought PEACE. (Meaning nothing missing, broken or lacking. All is well) If He hadn’t come, there wouldn’t have been peace, but it was their gathering that brought Him, and when He showed up, every fear vanished.

CASE 3 – “So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people. For all men glorified God for that which was done. For the man was above forty years old on whom this miracle of healing was showed. And being let go, they went to their own company and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord… And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:21-24a, 31.

Being let go after the threats, they immediately went to their own company (local assembly, church etc, ) they gathered not to mourn but in one accord, agreement, well defined agenda, to seek God, to decree righteous decrees. Of course, God responded by pouring afresh His Spirit upon them for further exploits. So they took advantage of the threats to press more into God and took advantage of it to show case more of His power and glory.


These three case studies are standing as witnesses of this subject ad scriptures makes it clear that a matter is established with two or three witnesses. (2 Cor.13:1, Deut. 19:15) Some things are common and stand out in these cases (witnesses)

     They came together, they met, they gathered and did not scatter nor got into hiding. NO threat, trouble stopped them from gathering. Anyhow, they gathered. That was their first victory. So times of danger, threats, and troubles are a time of gathering for the church. What comes against US will take US, OUR FAITH to overcome. We must always remember that our individual victory, peace is tied to our collective victory or peace. (Jer. 29:7). This gathering can be at local church level, city level, and national level. But we must take advantage of every opportunity and platform God opens up to us against sentimental, denominational barriers to gather. We are only safe when at the mercy of God and not the threats. No wonder we are admonished; “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Heb. 10:25.
    As the day draws closer, it may be more violent, fearful, so for these reasons, some will feel justified to neglect, take for granted our gathering but scripture says this is the time to take our gathering more seriously. We are not permitted to be afraid or discouraged, but keep our hearts fixed trusting in God.

       In all the cases, the purpose of the gathering was well defined; no one was in doubt as to the agenda. No
       wonder they achieved their purpose. They gathered for corporate prayer to;

  All of these created the atmosphere or platform;
           - For any leadership gift like Apostle, Prophet, to show up
           - The word in season for direction and instruction to come
           - A fresh release of God’s power to do the word
           - A raw manifestation of God’s power and glory

  If this was their response, then this must be our response now and till He comes in Jesus’ name.


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...