Sunday, October 20, 2013


The Nigeria Prayer Project held in Sentosa Park, Apo Legislative Quarters Abuja from Sunday September 29 to Tuesday October 1 2013. Ministers and Christians from different denominations and from across the country was in attendance.  Pastor Courage Ode of Love Revival Ministries, Sokoto was the convener. The programme held between 5pm to 7pm on Sunday and Monday and between 10am and 12pm on Tuesday.

Prayers started, with Pastor Courage leading congregants in thanksgiving prayers on behalf of the nation, expressing gratitude for divine providence in keeping the country together in spite of mounting adversities and threat to its existence as a nation.  This was followed by prayer of collective consecration and repentance for God’s healing intervention in Nigeria. Establishing that believers are supposed to be watchmen, positioned as intercessors on behalf of the nation, Pastor Courage, led the gathering into various intercessory prayers for the nation, which includes; the enforcement of peace over the nation; nullification of every contrary influence over the leadership of the nation, bringing all authorities under the influence of God.  Prayers were rounded off with prophetic declaration over everything that represents the entity called Nigeria.

Morning Session
Pastor Courage with Pastor Ugo Ndubeze of led a team of ministers on a Prayer walk round Apo legislative quarters. The exercise which took close to an hour was brought to end with a joint prayer session at Sentosa Park.
Evening Session
Prayers started with a declaration of light upon the darkness in the nation. According Pastor Courage, just like Paul wrestled with beasts in Ephesus, there are beasts in the land that must be wrestled down. On this note , prayers focussed on the dethronement of every  strange God and influence over Nigeria; dis-annulling   every covenant  of death and hell over the nation; overruling every curse and declaring that everyone wielding authority in the nation’s leadership  will become instrument of God’s will. The session was closed with prophetic declarations over Nigeria, its structures, systems and people, moderated by some ministers along with Pastor Courage. 

Prayers started with the lifting up of ancient doors that have stood in the way of the nation’s progress. The gates to wealth, the souls of men and to the seat of power were declared open by the Spirit. Every gang up that delight in war, violence and confusion was scattered. Ministers joined voices with Pastor Courage to make the final prophetic declarations over the nation. Thereafter, Pastor Courage called out ministers who came from outside Abuja to be imparted with the spirit of the Nigeria Prayer Project. Pastor Courage prayed for them and said they were being released as spearheads to lead watchmen in their respective locations that will keep standing in the gap for the nation. He said the project was not ending with the Abuja programme, but that the momentum   has been ignited must be spread abroad.   

“For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body. Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouth that they may obey us and turn their whole body.
Look also at ships, although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by every small rudder wherever the pilot desires.  Even so the tongue is a little member and boast great  things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
And the tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire by hell.
For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind.
But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.
Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.
Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh”. (James 3:2-12)

If the verses you just read is from the Word of God, then if my lips would keep from slips of all sorts, there are seven things I ought to observe with care.

-To whom I speak 
-Of whom I speak  
-How I speak * When I speak
-Where I speak
-What I speak
-Why I speak.

This care begins in guarding carefully what passes the gates of your EARS and EYES to your HEART.
“My son, give attention to my words, incline your EAR to my SAYINGS. Do not let them depart from your EYES; keep them in the midst of your HEART. Keep your HEART with all diligence, for out of it springs the issue of life”. (Prov. 4:20-21,23).
“...For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”. (Matt. 12:34)
Further References (Matt. 12:33-37, Prov. 18:20-21, Eccl.5:6, Num. 14:28, Mk 11:23).

A dear man of God I have very high regards for, once made a statement in the course of our discussion that birth a revelation in me. I actually told him that I observed that he easily forgets dates, appointments, promises, etc. And his reply was, “MY SECRETARY SPOILT ME.” There was this particular godly woman he had for a Secretary at a time, who was very efficient in keeping diary and making sure that he meets up with the schedules. So, her near perfect efficiency resulted in a relaxation in that area for him. Now the Secretary is gone, it’s been pretty difficult to pick up.
So, I learnt that I could easily be spoilt by those around me. i.e children, subordinates, etc. I must delegate effectively and allow them complement my efforts but not to the point of becoming useless or ineffective when they are not around or gone. In the journey of life, you can’t avoid painful, needful partings. This is my humble wholehearted conclusion, no matter my status, age, etc, I refuse to be SPOILT because it’s easy to be SPOILT.
BOSS -                         The Secretary, driver, personal assistant should’t spoil me
MUMMY -                   The grown up children, especially the girls shouldn’t spoil me
MADAM -                   The maid shouldn’t spoil me
                                    On and on and on
I travelled home for the first time recently after the passing away unto glory of my dad. As I walked into the house, it dawned on me afresh that he was no more. I began to ask my self, so soon, so soon. When was it here that I used to run to him for school fees, frown over his rebukes, watch him instruct us, counsel, play host to high and low in the society and on and on. And I came to a simple conclusion, our LIFE SPAN IS SO SHORT. 70, 80 or more years is not as long as you think. Here is the lesson, I have only one opportunity to live and it’s so short, and as such I must make the most of it. No time to waste, fight, strive, sin etc. My kids are growing up fast. I presently have the opportunity of eating with them on the same table. I must make the most of it now because very soon they  will grow up and leave my home. I must preach with fervency now because very soon........
The journey of life is so short; please enjoy each day/phase as it comes by making it count for God. If it counts for God, it will count for you.

For a while now, I have been seriously troubled in my spirit and have not ceased to ask the question, WHAT EXACTLY DO WE HAVE TIME FOR?
Presently, it seems we have no time for anything meaningful or of eternal value.
·         GOD- Services in church have to be rushed and fast, even to read our bible and pray personally.
·         HOME- No time for husband, wife or children
·         DEVELOPMENT- Skills, work etc. But on the contrary, there seems to be more and more time for leisure, pleasure, quarrels, gossips, strife etc. No wonder presently, Comedians, Footballers and Entertainers seem to be making more money than any other set of people. Could this be responsible for the dwindling quality of lives? I strongly believe, yes. Well all of these are a confirmation of scriptures. “This know also, that in the last days...... For men shall be lovers of their own selves.........lovers of pleasures than lovers of God.” 2 Tim. 3:2,2,4.
We cannot over flog these issues. What you have time for is pointing to what you are living for. TIME IS LIFE
Key Lessons
·         You have TIME for nothing only for what you make TIME for
·         You only make TIME for what is important and relevant to you.
·         What you  don’t have TIME for is not because there is no time for it but because it’s not important enough to you.
·         The worth and quality of your LIFE is a product of what you give your TIME to.
·         A man/woman, who doesn’t have TIME for God personally and for the HOME LIFE, has unknowingly settled for failure and destruction.
·         In conclusion, let’s upgrade our worth; get out of the crowd by reordering our priority. Let’s give more time to God and to the things of eternal value than the mundane things.


·         Do you know you need three basic things to survive? They actually go in order of importance which many times run contrary to our thinking and confessions. They are:
o   Air
o   Water
o   Food
·         We want the man of God but we do not want the God of the man of God. That is the simple difference between Lot and Ruth.
LOT could not follow ABRAHAM
RUTH  followed NAOMI
Consider their end.........

The extra push, effort here and there was worth it.
The extra push to maintain credibility. The extra push to study, pray and hold on to the Word. The extra push to maintain certain relationships when they were not pulling through just because I knew they were God ordained. The extra push to do what is right inspite of alternatives.
LOOKING BACK, I am glad I pushed my self extra mile.
I am glad at what the extra push is producing for me spiritually, socially, financially, emotionally, physically and mentally.
I am and will be willing to push myself by the grace of God some more for the extra touch, blessing, effect, etc.
Do you want to share of what I am experiencing? Then be willing to go an extra mile.
Its me, CEGO.

As a boy I had to ask this question over and over again “Can’t I live like every other boy, enjoy the freedom every other boy enjoys, play like every other boy”? The answer never came and no one was willing to give me the answer. Little did I know that even if someone was willing to give me an answer, I wasn’t ready to receive nor understand the answer. That only maturity and time will make me know.
Now I know and understand that for one who had this kind of assignment ahead, I just had to go through the kind of process that will fully equip me for it. And because I wasn’t going to end up being like every other person or just any body, So I couldn’t have grown up like every other person.
·         I am glad I had those experiences
·         I am glad I went through the process
·         I am glad I wasn’t allowed to have my way
·         I am glad I was disciplined
·         I am glad limits were set for me
·         I am glad I was told to stay within boundaries
·         I am glad I was taught how to stay within boundaries
·         I am glad I was instructed, rebuked, corrected, counseled.
·         I am glad for all the authorities He set over me at different stages

Do you want to LOOK BACK and be glad (grateful to God)? Then allow HIM to take you through, yield to His process so that you can be properly sharpened for the glory ahead.
Its me, CEGO.

The more I knew, the more I began to discover that I didn’t really know as much as I had always thought I knew.
The more I knew, the humbler and wiser I became.
Looking back, I am so glad I chose against being rigid or dogmatic about the things I held onto, but chose to be flexible in the hands of the Spirit.
I did not allow what I knew prevent me from what I didn’t know that I needed to know.
Beloved, do you want to advance? Then get better; I will like you to know that what you are yet to know is far more than what you already know.

Its me,



We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...