Friday, April 24, 2020


 Proverbs 24:17-18

Never rejoice over the downfall of anybody because God can get angry and turn on you.  Be warned. The word enemy can be anyone who has made you angry or someone who just had a misfortune and you are happy or glad over it. God detests it.

Romans 13:1-4- do not resist those who are set as authorities over you because it is God that has set them there. We are light, we must not promote illegality. We ought to be true examples of the kingdom. Don’t be among those who cut corners. Don’t go about travelling when the government or laws of the land has set a law against such movement. The reason we have been powerless as believers is because we have not stuck to the principles of God’s word. These times are too dangerous for us to be involved in any form of illegality. God is light, transparent and holy, that is what we must be. The fact that you are doing something and getting results doesn’t mean it is right, it is only right when it is based on the principles of God’s word. So even if those who are set as authority over you are the ones breaking the law, you must insist on the truth and the law that has been laid. Never join anyone to defraud the government. Let’s stop all illegality in order not to give room to satan to operate. Be warned. Stay with God and stay true to His word.


We have established that COVID-19 is darkness, a plague, a pestilence. And the only answer to darkness is LIGHT. COVID-19 has no respect for anybody whether big or small. No one is in charge. There is no CURE as yet. It doesn’t matter how dark it is, LIGHT is still superior.  All we have been doing thus far is charging up ourselves and exhorting one another but the battle is still staring us in the face. We are not confrontational in the battle. The battle is not physical but spiritual. The darker it is, the more relevant LIGHT should be. The intensity of the LIGHT must be such that it can subdue the darkness.

From Genesis chapter 1-10, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light…”  The earth lost shape because of the darkness at that time, and where we are now is exactly the state the earth was at that time. Things are out of course and there's darkness.

There can be no meaningful development in any place without LIGHT. Everything on the earth right now is scattered. The darkness was upon the face of the deep until the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep. As believers, we are too quick to act. Virtually every principle of the kingdom in the bible played out in Genesis 1& 2. One characteristic of God is patience but we are too quick to move and to speak. We are in the fast lane. Everyone is giving their opinion on what they are clueless about. When God faced the same crisis, He didn’t just delve in to give a solution, He brooded first, His Spirit moved upon the face of the deep and God said: “let there be light”. When Jesus was told that His friend Lazarus was dead, He didn’t just get up and go to raise him. He had to wait for the word before He moved.

Isaiah 50:4-“The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned”.

Right now on the earth,  Who knows exactly  the mind of God? It is THE HOLY SPIRIT! God did not call forth light until He had gotten a release from the Spirit. Where we are right now,  if we do not defer to the Holy Ghost corporately and personally, we will not be able to come out of this chaotic situation. Rather, we may become victims. There’s a way someone will call forth light by the Spirit and another will call forth light without the Spirit, they are not the same. There’s a word hanging during this season of plague and after, which we must download and birth in order to live. The Light must be given birth to, and that can only come when we yield to the Holy Ghost. Until the word comes from the Spirit, the weariness will continue. Let us get back to the Holy Spirit. We must not be agitated, let us defer to the Holy Spirit. These are the days of Spirit for spirit. It can’t happen in the flesh. This darkness has taken away everything from us. The only thing it has not taken is GOD. We must Labour to find that word otherwise this weariness/ darkness will continue. It is only when we find it that we can navigate through - “For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ”. Phil 1:19

Lord, I surrender to You
Pray in the Holy Ghost


 “So when they had gathered, Pilate said to them, "Whom do you want me to release for you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ? For he knew that it was out of envy that they had delivered him up… And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split”. Mt. 27:17-51

How can the blood of Jesus be shared and yet souls are heading to hell under our watch? If Jesus went through all this suffering, death and resurrection for us, then it must not be in vain. Heaven and Hell are real, and that is why Jesus went to all this length to give us the choice. Jesus died deliberately, and His death has implications. The minute Jesus gave up the ghost something happened instantly which was the first implication. 

- The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51). In other words, we now have access (Hebrews 10:19). This is the greatest benefit: we now have access to Him. What gave us that access is not a title, nor qualification, nor age but the BLOOD. We are busy celebrating what Jesus' death and resurrection has done for us and we are more concerned about accessing the things than accessing Jesus Himself. Scriptures say that it is those who know their God that will be strong and do exploits. So many people have a God but do not know God. When we do not know Him we cannot do exploits. 

The first and foremost implication of Jesus death and resurrection is that the access that was lost at Eden was restored. Every other thing is hinged on that. There is no more barricade between us. We have a lot of people in the church, and members of the body of Christ who are born again but have never had that personal interaction with the Lord one on one. 


The problem with the Church in the wilderness was that Moses could talk with God but they were not interested in accessing God directly.  By our attitude today we are still saying the same thing, by saying let them (Pastor, Prophet...) hear God while we listen. So we have a lot of believers who do not have a personal relationship with God even though they have access but they have never taken advantage of it. 

We must know that the first thing is access and that every other thing is secondary to it. This is because we can be so close but still so far (Ephesians 2:13-18). If we have been made near unto Him then we should take advantage of it and be close to Him. We are to come confidently, and not as slaves or aliens but as children. Because of the BLOOD of Jesus, God is now our father. The big question is: are we experiencing His presence; are we taking advantage of it? Because all the gaps we are experiencing is because of this. 

The veil has been torn apart so let us not set up another one. Our greatest asset is our access to Him let us not compromise it for whatever reason.


Hebrews 4:1-16
There is an environment we will create that will choke unbelief. Unbelief was a product of not labouring to enter into His rest. We are to come boldly unto the throne of grace to find grace and to obtain mercy. If there is any time we are to have that personal relationship with God, it is now. Stop running from God but rather run to God. If we remain in God’s presence we will naturally overcome sin, we will naturally overcome those things we struggle with. With this in our life, the work of God in our life will happen in quick successions. Our relevance to God, to humanity, to ourselves, is tied to this. As long as we run from it we will keep struggling. This is the reason why the Israelites did not enter because they ignored it. If we ignore it, we too will not enter. We cannot answer this call for each other but PERSONALLY. If the throne of grace is where you pass by or someone goes to for you, then you will be useless in these times. 
1 Corinthians 15, 1 Peter 2:21, Hebrews 12:1-2, Romans 8:29, Obadiah verse 21

 Jesus died, was buried and he resurrected. Jesus was not killed but He laid down His life. If there is no death, there is no burial, and if there is no burial there is no resurrection. Jesus came to show us an example. He is our pattern man and model. He came as the Saviour. Jesus died to give us access; we must die to give our generation access.  This is death to self and our personal ambition and desires. 

Until Jesus died the resurrection power could not find expression, and until we die the resurrection power will not find expression through us. When we answer the call to the throne of grace then whatever needs to die in us will die for that power to find expression.
 We have to die to self, die to our pursuit etc. This will only happen when we go through that process of death, burial, and resurrection. 

We have denied the world of the resurrection power of God because we have refused to die. God is looking for dead men that His resurrection power can flow through. It is time for us to lay down our lives.


We must understand how laws operate. We must have respect for one another but at the same time, we all have equal access to our Father. Wh...