Excerpts from the 21 days prayer
The meeting commenced at the stipulated time on September 11,
2012 with guidelines given to everyone from the entrance on how the conduct and
pattern of the meeting will go.
A pattern for the meeting was also set that the morning
sessions will be times to enforce God’s counsel as Watchers (Is.62:1, 6-7;
46:10) and the evening sessions will be to enthrone Jesus’ kingship over
Nigeria as warriors. (1 Chron.12:22,38; 1 Cor.15:25)
Each session was marked by prayer and prophetic declarations
over the nation covering every sphere of influence (education, political,
religious, families, economic, media, entertainment & arts, all tiers of
government, states of the federation and tribes)
Day 1 –
Morning: This was a
session of thanksgiving to God for Nigeria as a nation, how she has survived
such great threats to her peace yet God has kept the nation as one. (Ps.100:4,
1 Tim.2:1, 1 Thess.5:18, Eph.5:20)
Evening: This was a session of prayer of
consecration, expression of willingness and request for grace to undertake this
God given mandate. (Judg.5:2,9, Heb.4:16, Mt.9:37-38, Col.4:12)
Day 2 – Morning: This was marked by calling forth Nigeria unto the expected status of her age post-independence. (1 Cor.13:11, Gen.21:10, Deut.32:12, Is.8:10, Is.54:15,17)
Day 2 – Morning: This was marked by calling forth Nigeria unto the expected status of her age post-independence. (1 Cor.13:11, Gen.21:10, Deut.32:12, Is.8:10, Is.54:15,17)
Evening: This session was characterized by a
corporate plea for mercy on behalf of Nigeria with a request for the healing of
the land of Nigeria. (Joel 2:15-17, 2 Chron.7:14-15)
Day 3 –
Morning: The cry of
intercession was raised against the controversy of who is God over Nigeria with
the dethronement of every strange god and influences seeking to contest the
place of God in the affairs of Nigeria. (1 Kgs.18-21, Ps.33:12, Gen.21:10,
Evening: Prayers were made for open heavens
over Nigeria and also for a fresh breath, move and descent of the Holy Spirit
upon Nigeria. (Lk.3:21-22, Ezek.1:1, Acts 9:3, Gen.1:2b; 2:7, Lk.3:22)
Day 4 –
Morning: Prayers
were made to banish from all elective posts and appointments in Nigeria, men
who will act contrary to God’s counsel over the nation, and prayers were also
made to instill the appropriate kind of leaders over the positions of
authority. (2 Sam.23:3,Prov.29:2,1Tim.2:1-2,Prov.21:1)
Evening: Prayers were made for the
intervention and penetration of light into the affairs of Nigeria.
Day 5 –
Morning: This was a
confrontational challenge against every beast and demonic hierarchy militating
against the destiny of this nation. (1Cor.15:32,Eph.6:12)
Evening: Jesus’ prescribed prayer pattern was
adopted “hallowed be thy name”, “thy kingdom come” was raised for the intervention
of God’s kingdom over the country. (Rev.11:15,Mt.6:9-10a)
Day 6 –
Morning: This was a
disannulment of every evil covenant and agreement made or established on behalf
of this country. (Is.28:18)
Evening: We had the establishment of God’s
will to be done in Nigeria, giving Him liberty to execute His counsel Over the
Nation. (Mt.6:9-10)
Day 7 –
Morning: We prayed
for the discomfit of every scheme and device of the evil one over Nigeria. (Job
Evening: Prayers were made to open up the
gates and doors of the nation to the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty
in battle, the Lord of hosts. (Ps.24:7-10)
Day 8 –
Morning: Prayers
during this session focused on the deposing of evil and unrepentant leaders in
the country. (Dan.2:21,Ps.75:7)
Evening: Prayers were made to open the gates
and doors to the hearts of men in Nigeria to the King of glory, the Lord strong
and mighty in battle, the Lord of hosts. (Ps.24:7-10)
Day 9 –
Morning: This
session was a decree of judgement against all oppressors and those manipulating
the nation. (Ps.149:9,Rev.18:15-17,Ps.20:7-8)
Evening: Prayers were made to open the gates
and doors to the wealth of Nigeria to the King of glory, the Lord strong and
mighty, the Lord of hosts. (Ps.24:7-10)
Day 10 –
Morning: This was a
request to the Father to shake Nigeria so that only what can stand His voice
may remain. (Heb.12:27-28)
Evening: Prayers were made concerning the
divers threats we face as a nation and a reinforcement of God’s Spirit upon the
church. (Ps.2:1-5)
Day 11 –
Morning: We desired
of the Father to root out of the nation every planting not of Him as in
beliefs, practices, structures etc. (Mt.15:13)
Evening: Prayers were made for the conversion
of Sauls to Paul in order to advance the kingdom of God in the nation. (Acts
Day 12 –
Morning: The cry of
watchmen was upon the walls, gates and palaces of Nigeria with decrees of
salvation, praise and peace. Prayers were also made against the company of
those that delight in war and opposed to the peaceful coexistence of the
nation. (Is.60:18,Ps.122:7,Ps.68:30)
Evening: Prayers were made to secure elective
positions and appointments for just men ruling in the fear of God at every
level of leadership in Nigeria. (2 Sam.23:3, Dan.4:17)
Day 13 –
Morning: Nigeria was
established in righteousness, creating a spirit distance against violence,
terror and oppression. (Is.54:14)
Evening: The word of command was issued to
Nigeria that she moves forward and upward henceforth. (Deut.2:3)
Day 14 –
Morning: Nigeria was
betrothed to God Almighty as Her God and Her people as His chosen inheritance.
Evening: A prophetic cry and prayers were
raised for the fulfillment of prophecies already given by words, visions,
revelations and scripturally documented that all should manifest in their
seasons, a divine hastening to perform each of them.
Day 15 –
Morning: The destiny
of the nation was entrusted unto the guidance and leading of God alone, strange
gods and influences were shut out of her affairs. (Deut.32:12)
Evening: The prevailing influence of the word
of God was enforced in and over the affairs of the nation. (Acts 19:20)
Day 16 –
Morning: God
Almighty was assigned as the King, the Judge and Lawgiver of Nigeria so that
the laws governing our nation promote the kingdom reign. (Is.33:22)
Evening: The banner of God was displayed over
the nation as a spiritual sign of change of governance and ruler ship to the
Lord’s. (Ps.60:4)
Day 17 –
Morning: The
dominion of God was enforced in the spheres of existence in the nation (air,
land and water) with a declaration that Nigeria fulfills the purpose of God as
a nation born of God. (Ps.24:1,1Jn.5:4)
Evening: Nigeria was summoned in prayers to
arise and take her place in the League of Nations. (Is.60:1-3)
Day 18 –
Morning: This
session was dedicated to a prayer of request for a new Nigeria, that God should
do a new thing in this nation as we turn 52. This was accompanied by prophetic
declarations by men and women of God. (Is.43:18-19)
Evening: This session marked the receiving of
this new Nigeria into our hands. Prophetic insights came that this is a new
Nigeria that is all of God (Zech.4:2), that our spiritual assessment of this
new Nigeria is that it is “very good”. (Gen.1:31) also Is.33:20-21 was given as
our vision for this Nigeria.
Day 19 –
Morning: The Lord
God was established as the foundation, builder and watcher over this new
Nigeria. (Ps.127:1)
Evening: The new Nigeria was perpetuated to
continue even till Jesus comes such that it’s not an experience only in the
lifetime of one generation. This was established by 21 prophetic chants over
the new Nigeria. (Ps.127:1)
Day 20 –
Morning: This was a
day of thanksgiving unto God for delivering this new Nigeria into our hands and
establishing a perpetual altar of unceasing praises to God from NIGERIA. (Ps.136)
LAST NIGHT: This was a special prayer, praise
and prophetic declarations over this new Nigeria. The meeting started at the
scheduled time with a great turn out of saints in the land of Sokoto, each
person holding up the flag of Nigeria. The flags were continually waved to God
in appreciation of how He has kept the nation as one and sustained our peaceful
coexistence as against what could have been by the enemy’s plot. God gave an
insight through His servant Pastor Courage Ode that the true celebration of
independence implies an independence from satan unto a dependence on God.
The meeting continued with great participation and enthusiasm
expressed by the saints. The thanksgiving session was linked into a prayer
session for the country considering the fact that in the last thirty nine sessions
of the meeting, divers prayer points have been raised as inspired by the Holy
Spirit, however, a perfection and completion to the whole process can best be
guaranteed by employing the means of praying in other tongues to rightly
compensate for the limitation of man. This session was marked by fervent prayers
in other tongues which ushered us into the Independence Day proper by 12am, a
praise session took over the center stage fulfilling scriptures that Paul and
Silas prayed and sang praises at midnight unto God.
A prophetic praise shouting was raised unto God twenty one
times. This was immediately accompanied by a session of prophesying unto the
New Nigeria in our hands, definite prophetic words by every individual unto
God. This was sealed by the final declaration by Dr. Moses Fagbemi who crowned
the meeting with prophetic declarations from the pulpit while resounding amen’s
from the congregation greeted the proclamation. The meeting ended at exactly
12:30am with cheers and salutations to one another for a new Nigeria.
As a people, we have no doubt in our hearts that we have
totally dedicated Nigeria over to God. Nigeria is all of God; we have received
a NEW NIGERIA in Jesus’ name.
Happy Independence Nigeria as you turned 52.You will fulfill
all of the counsel of God. Life, Light and Peace to you in Jesus’ name.
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