Sixteen years ago, a man left the land called known,
secured, certain, accepted and recognized to a land completely different and
opposite for only one singular reason, THE CALL OF DESTINY. The pull of the call was so strong
that in spite of the painful partings {Still remembers the tears of Ngideka of
blessed memory, Orukpe(mrs) etc}, he still moved on to begin the battle of
destiny. A battle
that only the final end is known but the extent and time frame, he was and is
still completely ignorant of. All he was armed with was the pull of the call
(which was too strong, clear and real to be ignored) and the HOPE of
the CALL. A pull for battle in a terrain that
has always been considered a “no go area” for such calls or battles. It sounded
strange, fearful and maybe unnecessary ambitious.
The terrain has become more tensed over time but it
has been victory all the way in the midst of the fierce battle. To the glory of
God, sixteen years on, the pull of the CALL is still
as strong, clear and real as ever. Every CALL has
a BATTLE, and fulfilling the CALL is in standing strong and fighting to
the end with a winning mentality. We are not fighting for victory rather we are
fighting from victory. We are merely enforcing the victory we already have that
has been obtained on our behalf. That’s why we know the end result even before
we start. And that is the assurance that keeps us going in the BATTLE field.
is the Praise Oh God
Ours is the Victory
Satan is defeated in Jesus
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