Wednesday, August 28, 2013


There is no iota of doubt that these are indeed HARD TIMES (perilous, difficult, dangerous, wicked, lawless etc). Scriptures already tells us that (2 Tim. 3:1, Mt.24:12). The unfolding events around us and in the nation go to confirm this.

The pressure of the hardship is having its effect on nations, economies, people and structures. There are obvious uncertainties all over. Established structures are collapsing, those to turn to are now worst victims, predictions are failing, and promises can’t be kept. There is no sector, nation that is not affected one way or another, directly or indirectly.

To deal with and overcome HARD TIMES, HARD MEASURES are expedient. A measure simply means “an action taken to make something happen or prevent something from happening.” However, it’s obvious that all natural measures to the to the prevailing challenges have either failed or are presently collapsing, such as policies, banks, government, science, geography and in our peculiar case – security agents.

It’s gradually becoming obvious to us that these MEASURES can’t be natural or naturally orchestrated. And if spiritual, it can only spring from either of two sources-God or satan, Light or darkness. Satan (darkness) certainly stands for destruction, death and evil. So he cannot obviously be the source of the MEASURES. So the QED is GOD (LIGHT). If God is the only way out, then it simply means the way out is to FOLLOW HARD after God. These are times to break out of the conventional and convenient Christianity and propose in our heart to follow hard after Him. This is because only HARD BREEDS will fulfill destiny in these HARD TIMES which will be a product of following HARD after God in seeking, trusting and obeying Him against all odds, staying true to God’s word come what may; a die hard, unrepentant addicted ‘wordite’.

Using Psalm 63 as a case study, the Psalmist declares (Vs 8)
“My soul followeth hard after thee…”

The land was dry and thirsty. Obviously, there was no rain (glory) Vs 1. Thank God he didn’t wait till the last hour after so much damage would have been done. He knew where to turn.

“Early will I seek thee”
Who to turn to
“… O God thou art my God…”
What to look for
“To see thy power and thy glory…”
What to focus on
“When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches…”

Not on the threats or evil reports. No wonder he never lost any battle and God was glorified in his day. Same can be our testimony.

Oh God, Yours is the praise, ours is the victory and satan is defeated in Jesus’ name.

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