Thursday, March 27, 2014


As a church, the body of believers in Christ Jesus, word practitioners, we need to remind ourselves of two vital fundamental truths. One is, we live by faith; that is, “calling those things that be not as though they were” and they eventually become. We speak what the word says, what we believe and expect. We replace the fact (present) with the truth (reality). E.g. scripture says “the weak should say I am strong”. Our father Abram, though old kept saying what God said concerning him, that he is the father of many nations, and he became and still is.

People of God, it’s not any different in application to our country, especially the President. He is been cursed, abused everyday by everyone. That’s not our responsibility. Even if he is weak, slow, confused etc, then let’s rise up and speak sound mind, boldness, wisdom etc to him. That’s our responsibility right now under God. We must wake up and know that there is serious battle over that seat and whoever sits there comes under severe attacks and varied influences, manipulations etc. we are to partner with God to speak God’s word over his life, the seat and the nation. When we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing, we are actually unknowingly partnering with satan to keep having his way.

There are only two camps, LIGHT (those who are speaking the word and thereby bringing godly influence to bear) and DARKNESS (those who are cursing, murmuring, complaining, analyzing or just quiet, thereby bringing ungodly influence to bear).

The second vital fundamental responsibility is to pray for him 2 Tim. 2:1-4, not curse, criticize, analyze him. That’s our responsibility and that’s what we owe him. We must separate our party affiliations, ethnical bias and other considerations from who we are as THE CHURCH and be focused in playing our role under God. As far as Nigeria is concerned, GOODLUCK EBELE AZIKIWE JONATHAN is the one in the seat right now and wouldn’t have been there if God didn’t permit it. so, our focus should be partnering with God through WORD DECLARATION and INTENSE, CONSISTENT, INTERCESSIONS for him to be used of God and not satan, which will mean failure on our part in our day and not necessarily his or PDP as many think.

Please brethren, what I am talking about is beyond PDP, APC or any other party; north or south agenda and all other considerations. It’s about kingdom rule and principles which becomes applicable to whoever God permits to be there tomorrow. So Pressure Groups, Opposition or Ruling PARTY, Civil Societies, International Community, should not define or determine our role and confession as a CHURCH but the WORD OF GOD. QED.

And so, I declare
Goodluck, Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan
Your heart is in the hand of the Lord
Your heart is filled with the fear, wisdom of God
Your heart is under the strong influence of God
You are an instrument in the hand of God to enforce His will in Nigeria
God alone leads you, you are delivered from strange influences
His voice alone you know and follow, no other voice
You make right decisions and take the right steps in line with God’s will for Nigeria in Jesus’ name
You are left with no choice but to do the will of God
-         The role of the SOCIAL CRITIC is to criticize
-         The role of opposition parties is to come into government by all means (pulling down, making sure the government is discredited)etc
-         The role of pressure groups is to mount pressure through every available means both good and bad for their share of the national cake
-         The role of international community is to use every available means to protect their vested interest in the country.
-         BUT that of the CHURCH is to mount WORD and SPIRIT pressure for the manifestations of the vested interest of the KINGDOM of GOD.

Scriptural references: Rom. 14:17, Joel 3:10c, Prov. 18:20-21, 2 Cor. 4:17-18, 1 Tim. 2:1-2, Prov. 21:1, Is. 62:6-7, Deut. 32:12, John 10:4-5

Please Note
-         The role of the SOCIAL CRITIC is to CRITICIZE
-         The role of OPPOSITION PARTIES  is to OPPOSE
-         The role of PRESSURE GROUPS is to mount PRESSURE
-         The role of INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES is to FIGHT for their vested interest
-         BUT that of the CHURCH is to
·        Mount WORD PRESSURE by Speaking
·        Mount SPIRIT INFLUENCE by Praying

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