Monday, January 11, 2021


If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; (2nd Chronicles 7:13).

This was God replying Solomon directly. We have likened COVID before to a plague, pestilence, darkness. Plagues are not stopped by decrees. God was the one who sent plagues to Egypt. Plagues can only be stopped by repentance and adherence to God’s instruction for the hour and season. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you disobey God’s instruction, you become a victim of the plague.

We have also said before that the state of our land and our day is tied to the state of the Church. What we are experiencing now is a plague, it is darkness. There is a shaking going on, and God is shaking everything that is not of him. Anything that is not of God will go. Only those things that are of God will remain. God is saying we need total consecration to him. We are already talking about a second wave of COVID, and God is saying to the Church globally that what we need is a total consecration to him. This has nothing to do with portfolio or title. From our thoughts to our actions, anyone who is not totally consecrated to the Lord will be swept off.

God is not unfaithful. We cannot with corrupt hands, participate in corrupt acts and a new NIGERIA will emerge. God has said, let every one that is named by the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. The way out of where we are now is total consecration to the Lord. There is no sentiment about this. It has no regard for title or portfolio.

Lets not take the longsuffering of God for weakness. Neither should we take the mercies of God for granted. Every lifestyle, every thought pattern, every structure that is not of God, will not survive what God wants to do. If we are going to see the true God we must be a people who are totally yielded to God. Our true commitment to God should show in our true commitment to God’s word. The remaining days of 2020 is a window for every one of us to make amends. Let’s not take the mercies of God for granted.

The coming days will be more uncertain, the coming days will be more difficult, but for the righteous, it will be a different story. Except with total consecration, the light cannot shine. We all must measure up to God’s STANDARD from the Home to the Workplace and to the Church. If we do not learn our lessons now what we faced in 2020 will be worse in 2021.

The church must take a stand for God. The pulpit is not for politics or show. We must master how to take God to the world. We should take interest in what God has an interest in. In God's interest is our interest. If our thought and actions do not give glory to God, we lose!


1. Hebrews 12:25 - Lord we ask for grace to serve you acceptably with reverence and godly fear

2. Lamentations 3:22, James 2:13, Hebrews 4:16 – O Lord have mercy over our day, over our nation, over our generation.

3. Lord we are at your mercy, and not at the mercy of the fears, the emotions of men, of our leaders, or devils.

4. Proverbs 21:1 - Lord by your outstretched hand and in your mercy turn the hearts of our leaders to do right.

5. Joel 2:17 – Lord we cry out, in your mercy;  spare your people.


                             CROSSOVER SERVICE

Rev 4:9-10, 5:13, 19:6. We should be grateful to God, that we are alive and here today. It's by the Lord's mercies we were not consumed, and we should not take it for granted.

My questions tonight:

1. How were we created? (By words)

2. How was the World formed? (By words)

3. How do we transact? (By words)

4. What did God leave with us? (His Word).


We are in a WORD war, and we transact by words. Lucifer wanted to overthrow God and it was by Words.  God stopped him by words. A man is blessed or cursed by words. We cannot deny that Satan exist because God told us about him in His words. We live and transact by words. Wars start by words. The only currency that God respects and honours is FAITH. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Hebrews 11: 6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Romans 14:23b tell us that whatever is not of faith is sin. God told us in Habakkuk 2:4 that the just shall live by faith. We can only please and live for God by Faith. But it is important we know that faith only comes by WORDS, by hearing the word of God.  There is no faith without the word of God. In other words, we were made by words, we live by words, are sustained by words and we war by words: we are products of words. No wonder all of the letters that God wrote to the Churches in the book of Revelations ended with this same statement ”to him that has ears hears, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.”  It is not enough to hear but who are we hearing? And what are we hearing? This forms and determines our experiences. This is because at the end of the day what is most important is the outcome of our lives. In Mark 4:24 Jesus said we should take heed, (be careful, give attention to etc) what we hear because we are a product of what we are hearing.

As we journey on in 2021, take heed what you are hearing. In Luke 8:18 - Jesus said, be careful how you hear. There is a difference between this and Mark 4:24. We must be sure that what we are hearing is correct and also how we hear.  This is so important because the outcome of our lives is a product of what we are hearing.

Everything is out there for us, so many things calling for our attention, but it is a choice. We can either fill ourselves with nonsense or be shut up with God in His words. It is a choice! There will be all kinds of struggles in our lives until we begin to hear God. It will get worse in the coming year. In Proverbs 4:20 God is saying to us to give attention to His words, it simply means that there is the possibility for us to give our attention to other words. God also says in verse 21 of Proverbs 4 to “incline our ears” God is saying to us to give attention to His words in the midst of several words. So many words are contending for our attention, and who has our attention has us. If our eyes and ears are not given to God’s words, there is no way it will be in our heart.

In the coming days, there will be more and more things calling for our attention. Anybody that will find life must give attention to God’s words. We give attention to God’s words by keeping our eyes fixed on God’s Words and our ears inclined to God’s words. God is saying here that life is found. We cannot be feeding on junks and want to have a healthy life. It is a choice to go to social media to spread God’s word or go there to spread rumours. If there is anyone thing we must do in 2021, it is to pay attention to God’s word in the minutest details. As we match into 2021, we must ask ourselves, what are the specific instructions given to us by God that are still hanging over our lives. These are not ordinary days so we must NOT make ourselves a dumping site for just any information or news. If we are going to find life and health in the coming days, thus says the Lord: give attention to my words.

The battle is getting fiercer and fiercer, and we are getting to the finishing line. Those that will survive these times are those that have built capacity through the word of God. We can be in Church but yet, not giving attention to the word of God. Where God found us is not the matter right now but our willingness to journey on with God. All that God has for us is His word. As we journey on in 2021, let's be deliberate in giving attention to the word of God. If there is a new year before us, then we need a new consecration to the word of God


1. LORD I give attention to the word

2. Hebrews 12:28 – As I match into 2021, I receive grace to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear

3. Psalm 40:8 – As I journey on in 2021, I commit to doing your Will Lord.

4. Psalm 20:21 – 2021 - I come and I enter in the name of the Lord.

5. Romans 8:8, 14 – 2021 I enter under the influence, government, and leadership of the Holy Ghost

6. 2021 I enter by the high way, the way of Holiness.

7. 2Corinthians 4:13 – I enter 2021 in God

8. Psa 100:4 - I enter 2021 in Thanksgiving to God

9. Psa 24:7 - 2021 open your gates to the king of Glory

10. Genesis 2:3 – we command every day of 2021 blessed and set apart for the glory of God


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