Wednesday, March 17, 2021


TO THE CHURCH IN LAODICEA (Revelation 3:14-22)
This letter is addressed to the church in Laodicea and the word Laodicea means peoples right or judgment of the people. They were identified as the rich-poor church, also known as the lukewarm, self-satisfied church, boasting of her wealth though poor, miserable and blind. It illustrates the final state of apostasy- ie to abandon one’s faith, principles or course, which the present Church is experiencing; it is the climax, total shift of the divine order.

Laodicea was founded by a man named Antichus11, it was named after his wife, it appears to be a very common name for women at that time. Laodicea was a banking centre and possessed immense wealth, it boasted of an excellent and well known medical school, it was noted for the manufacture of wool and known for its production of an eye salve ointment. Laodicea was also known as a city of compromise. However, with all the wealth this city was known for, it lacked adequate water supply, letting us know that you cannot quantify what you lose by compromising. It is expensive to live a life of compromise.
Jesus introduced Himself as the Amen, Faithful, True witness, the beginning of the creation of God. Rev. 3:14.
Amen-one who is steady and unchangeable in all His purposes and promises.
Faithful-steady, consistent, loyal, not moving by the wind.
True witness-A witness is a martyr, one who will never compromise His stand or what He believes, and is willing to die for what he believes.
The beginning of the creation of God-He’s the doorway. All that God intends to do, is done through Him-Jesus is the beginning, the head of God's new order. Gen. 1:1, John 1:1.

There is no other life outside of Him because all life proceeds from Him. His life gives light, and that light is the answer to darkness and outside of Him we have no life, thus, we are nothing.
"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth”. Vs 15-16.
There was nothing to commend, whether corporately or individually. God demonstrates His love for us when He brings His word to us. It is not usually a function of the environment to live above board or to compromise, it is a choice.  To live above board is a choice.
The Laodicean church was the worst of all the churches.
What they said they were, was not how God saw them- "Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'; and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” Vs 17.

 It takes a lot to keep people humble after they have begun to acquire things, Luke 12:16-19. Many times, we point to things we have achieved physically rather than putting our trust and boast in God. If you put anything ahead of God, you will lose for it. Your true wealth is what money can’t buy. Our real problems lie in when we have now “become”.
To be lukewarm means you are complacent. They supplied nothing sweet or healing for the spiritually sick or weary.

They had become blind to what they lacked which they could use to judge their true state. 2 Peter 1:9.
God detests lukewarmness. 

Historical Era
This letter is talking about the last days and prophetically, it is talking about the present-day church.
Modern Era
Self satisfied modern churches.  -Jude 1:3.
They downplay biblical laid down doctrine.  The spiritual has shifted to physical things. The faith we have embraced is not the faith that was handed down to us.
God suffers for long but not forever. The state we used to be is not as important as the state we need to be when He brings His word to us.
Rev. 3:18, 2 Cor.6:1-10
"I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eyesalve, that you may see”
- Gold tried in the fire, implies true living faith tried in the furnace of fire
- That they be clothed with white garment, this is to cloth with the garment of righteousness because sin exposes. They should anoint their eyes with salve. The judgment of God is real. If you are a son of God, you have to endure His chastening. Hebrews 12:5-8
- Eye salve -spiritual illumination.
Rev. 3:20-21
- Divine fellowship
- Spiritual enthronement
- An invitation to come to Him.
This is the last letter to the churches and this is an invitation to come to Him before the night of great tribulation.  All the time we have is NOW because tomorrow might be late.
In all of these letters, God didn’t promise blessings but reward. A blessing is a supernatural aid by the Lord.  A reward is something of value given in return for an act.  We must know that for everything we are doing, we will give an account of our stewardship.
I have ears and I hear
Lord I open up my heart to you afresh.

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