Friday, November 13, 2020

The Battle Ground (The change process 2)

The change process begins on the inside and not on the outside. The prayer that will be effective is the prayer of the humble, who has sought the Lord. You must seek Him if you will be effective in prayers. 

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's; But the earth He has given to the children of men”. Psalm 115:116.

The state of any land/place is determined by God’s people. Wherever darkness is seen or is being perpetuated, it means that the light bearer there is not shining the light. As covenant children of God, we must stop using Babylonian laws and tricks. We need to shine the light; 

-By confessing the word

-Living by the word 

-Preaching the gospel 

-And praying. 

The change we are craving for will not come till there's a change in our ATTITUDE. This is very important because the real battle is in the mind. Without a change in our attitude there won’t be real change. As long as the attitude is wrong, we will keep perpetuating the same thing in the same order over and over again; ultimately, there will be no lasting change.

What we are experiencing in Nigeria is a product of failed leadership, leaders who are totally cut off from the people. We have leaders who are not in tune with the needs of the people.

In the same way, let's stop demanding what we do not provide for. Do not demand a discipline you have not taught or exemplified. 

When what you want and who you are, are far apart, it cannot produce what you desire. 

Attitude to life 

 It doesn’t matter what happens, we have to make God our priority. We must stick to the principles of God’s word, rather than use our emotions, sentiments, traditions and cultures.

- Make faith in God your stronghold. Run to Him at all times. When you have faith in God, you won’t need to steal

- Take responsibility for your life, home, day, domain etc. As long as you are blaming somebody for your circumstances and actions, there will never be a change. Rise up and take responsibility. And if at any time, you can’t find an example, be the example

Attitude to Authority

What we are facing right now in this nation is a leadership crisis. The way to deal with it is not by going to the top. The leaders started from somewhere- (They came from homes. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he’s old, he will not depart from it. Prov.22:6.)

We have to deal with it at the root. At your present level, begin to do whatever you are demanding of leadership. If we are all doing what we ought to be doing at our various levels, we would have better homes, society and nation. Always interpret events in the light of scriptures and not based on your culture/tradition.

God always gives us the kind of leaders we need per time that fits our way of life. “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding”. Dan. 2:21. 

David never spoke against king Saul at any time at all because he understood that it was God who put him there. As long as a leader has not been removed, you have no right to speak against him in the bid to oust him. When it comes to leadership, it is not about the personality or the person holding the office; it is about the OFFICE and POSITION of AUTHORITY. You need to have respect and regard for whoever is there.

The kind of persons or people God brings into our lives indicates what God wants to do in our lives. You cannot command authority if you are not under authority. If we all come under the authority of God’s word, we would see the change we are all craving and demanding for. 

When a man comes under the authority of God, it becomes easier for him to come under constituted authority. We all seem to know what is right but no one is taking responsibility. Maturity is doing what is right by God's standard without been supervised or forced. Life cannot exist without authority. And authority exists at every level and everywhere. It exists in the God-head, it exists among satan and his cohorts, it exists among nations, homes, families, etc. 

We must cultivate the attitude/culture of becoming comfortable with authority, because the authorities that exist are appointed by God. (Rom. 13:1). All those who resent constituted authority are being rebellious. If you resent authority, it is a calculated attempt by satan to stop you from coming into a position of authority. You cannot claim to believe God's word and yet you do not obey Him. For as long as we do not subject ourselves to God’s word, the devil is not bothered-Luke 6:47-49.

As believers, we are meant to pray for those in authority and not speak against them. In serving God, we must not violate authority. That will be rebellion


- Lord, help me

- Lord, I am willing to be changed

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