Friday, November 13, 2020

The Battle Ground (The Change Process)

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's; But the earth He has given to the children of men”. Psalm 115:16

The order
The heaven-God is in charge
The earth-Man is in charge

We need to understand this so we can exercise our authority as we ought and be able to maximize it thoroughly.

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”. Matt. 16:19

Two locations were mentioned in this passage-Heaven and earth. In the order of the activities/actions that will take place, the earth comes first. That is, will be heaven responds to what the earth has allowed, that is what heaven will sanction. 

The authority you will command and wield is tied to the revelation of God that you have and it comes through deliberate interactions with God (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) Whatever is happening on the earth is what we allow. Whatever we do not allow cannot take place nor happen. It is whatever we permit on earth that will take place.

Even God could not go against this principle of His because when it comes to the earth, it has to be a man who will get the job done. That is why He said He sought for a man. When it came to saving man, God had to come in the flesh as a man to save man.

“…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. Chron.7:12-14

God will only partner with those who are in Christ and it is on this premise God will intervene in the affairs of the earth, through His people who are called by his name and have humbled themselves.

The truth is, if corruption is not found in the church and in our homes, there won’t be corruption in the society. Thus, the state of the land is tied to and determined by God’s people. If you are following Christ, you will stick to the principles of God’s word.

Whenever there is crisis, our first point of call should be to turn to God in repentance and total surrender and not run from Him. Never run from God, run to Him. The change we are craving for can only come through God because God is the SOURCE of TOTAL CHANGE. Any true change we want to see in our time and day is tied to God. There’s no righteousness outside of Christ. Righteous works can only be sustained when God is the foundation. Right now, we are losing faith. If there must be a change, there must be a change of attitude. (That is the disposition or state of the mind, our body language). There must be a change of attitude to life.

The real problem is our attitude. A place is determined by the people there, which is a product of the state of the mind.

The corruption we see in the society is a product of wrong upbringing.

We must learn to take responsibility for the outcome of our lives because that is the right attitude to life. There’s no life outside of God. Making excuses and shifting the blame is another way of lying. In short, it is a higher level of lying. No wrong justifies your being wrong. Take responsibility for your life. What it means to be a mature Christian is that you are responsible and you are no longer regulated by your feelings. God is in need of Responsible Christians.

Change of attitude to authority
There must be a change of attitude to authority. The reason we don’t have good/successful leadership is because we are not good followers. You cannot be a successful leader if you are not a successful follower. We demand accountability when we are not accountable. When the government of God is not working among God’s people, how can it work in the world at large? When we run our homes, businesses the way we like, yet we complain about how the government runs the nation, how can either work?

 Change starts with us, with you and I. We need to upgrade and change our mode of operations. If we are demanding a change from the government/society, we must be the model of what we are asking for.

- Lord, I surrender to you

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