Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 “But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers”. 1 Peter 4:7.

This verse of scripture let us know that without an iota of doubt, the end is near. With this truth, comes a serious admonition! “We must be serious and watch unto prayer”.

“…but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4. We may slack in anything but not in prayers. Prayer does not have an alternative and we must never undermine prayer. Any man who is genuinely praying will be having encounters and living in obedience to God’s word.

Many times, we may think that because we did not see the expected results, prayer does not work. That is far from the truth! We may be doing something and not doing it right.

Jesus told us that if we will not fall into temptation we should watch and pray. No man ever outgrows praying because the higher we go in life, the greater the temptation we will face. We must stay wide awake in prayers, and be open to instructions and direction. It is the heartfelt prayer of a righteous man that avails much. 1 Thess. 5:17 says we should pray without ceasing. You cannot outgrow praying or think you’ve prayed too much. Men ought always to pray and not faint. Luke 18:1. Thus, if we will not faint, we must pray. Prayer has no alternative or substitute! As we see the day approaching and events springing up to make us doubt or question the authenticity and principles of scriptures, we should be praying more in spite of satan’s ploy to wear us out. We MUST pray.

One key secret about praying that makes it effective is CONSISTENCY. You can never be a master at anything without consistency. Jesus prayed daily and about everything. For many of us, we only tend to pray when we are pushed to the wall.

"Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:36.

There are things we cannot pray against like the unfolding events, but we can pray not to be victims of it. We cannot pray against the darkness, but we can pray to stand strong, shinning the light of Christ in the midst of the darkness. Prayer should be first in our life. These are not the days to be unserious, to be casual in prayers.

Whatever makes you set out every day that will not cause you to pray first is killing you.

If you can watch a film for three hours until interrupted and cannot pray consistently for one hour, then you are dying

Never marry a man or a woman who is not prayerful. 

There are two kinds of prayers that will help to keep us in shape, keep us awake, alert, and well-positioned These kinds of prayer are readily available and are most relevant in these times. Spiritual weapons are the most effective weapons for any war.

When we can switch into any of these two readily available weapons, there is always a way out. 


 DELIBERATELY, CONSCIOUSLY and CONSISTENTLY PRAY IN TONGUES. You are a product of what you do daily and consistently, not occasionally.

- Praying in tongues, will help you to be built up. One of the ways you take advantage of the help of God is by praying in the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 14:4, Rom. 8:26. As you pray in tongues, reinforcements, light and direction come. Make praying in tongues a lifestyle.

- Effective engagement in warfare is by the Holy Ghost. When we engage in praying in the Holy Ghost, the enemy is disarmed.

Scriptural Confession
Is. 26:3, Ps.112:7, Is. 40:31

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