Wednesday, December 2, 2020


We've established that, in these times, there are two types of prayers that are very relevant, and readily available to us. When we allow these two to go to work, we are reinforced from heaven. However, we are the ones to pull out these weapons; no one can do it on our behalf.

Type of Weapons
1) Praying in tongues. If we are going to make progress in these times, we must pray in the Holy Ghost. God is our helper and one way to assess the help of God is by praying in the Holy Ghost. To eliminate constant surprises in your life, engage in constantly praying in the Holy Ghost. (Unpleasant surprises are actually products of the enemy taking you by surprise ).

2)THANKSGIVING. We live in a time where the goings-on will make you ungrateful and unthankful. To go against the tide, we must be thankful.

Two examples of men from the scriptures who lived and walked in thanksgiving.

a) DAVID- who was referred to as the sweet psalmist of Israel, 2 Sam. 23: 1. He never lost any battle, he was a successful warrior, conquering the enemy around him. King David, never played down on thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was a way of life for David.

b) PAUL- He didn’t only live a life of thanksgiving, he taught it. Majority of the epistles he wrote began with thanksgiving.

If you don’t know what to do, pray in tongues and give thanks to God. 
1 Cor. 14:15-18. *The man who is thanking God will have more victories in his life than he that’s always binding satan*. Where God is constantly being praised and thanked, satan will never be present there. 1 Cor. 15:57. The root to the victory in Christ Jesus is thanksgiving. 

Praying constantly in the Holy Ghost and thanksgiving works wonders in your life much more than medicine

We must go against the tide if we want to see God move in our lives, and what we do at such times is to pull out any of these TRIGGERS. (Praying in tongues and Thanksgiving )

1 Thess. 5:17-the trigger you pull up, per time, will either reinforce heaven on your behalf or not.

We are to give thanks always and in all things, whether He answers us or not. Eph. 5:20

Thanking God is the route to victory. It creates an unconducive atmosphere for demonic activities.  

Our lips must be involved in thanksgiving. You cannot say you are thanking God with your mouth closed. Hebrews 13:15

1 Tim.2:1. Anybody you are thanking is a pointer to who is your SOURCE.

Your first response at all times must be thanksgiving. Fill up all the spaces in your life with praying in tongues and thanksgiving. It is one sure way of redeeming the time. 

In the realm of thanksgiving, there's no network failure. 

Thanksgiving is a sacrifice and it requires your obedience. Make it a lifestyle. We are to offer up the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Heb 13:15, Col.4:2, Phil.4:6.

I will end 2020 in righteousness
I will end 2020 with Faith in God
I will end 2020 with Hope in God
I will end 2020 Gloriously in Jesus name
My heart is fixed trusting in the Lord (Ps112:7, )

Scripture declaration
Joshua 21:45, Job 42:12

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